Friday, September 28, 2007
I love it when I can post a lot on my days off. It's a great feeling to make money at home besides having my job. The way the money from these posts add up just amazes me. I was off work for 6 weeks and it helped fill in some of the income I lost from not being able to go to work and that was a wonderful feeling.
Raking Leaves
For many years we had 3 large trees in our backyard and of course every fall there were thousands of leaves falling to the ground because of them. They were beautiful but it made for a lot of raking. When our sons were young they loved to pile them high and jump in them. They would also make trails through them for their cars and trucks. It was work but then again it made special memories.
Search Engine Marketing
Successful search engine marketing depends greatly on your ability to choose those that provide the best opportunity to reach your target audience in a scalable and cost effective manner. If your business would greatly benefit from ranking at the top of Google’s search results then Search Engine Marketing is your answer.
Research shows that there is a high percentage of people who find relevant information from search engines. Using search engines attracts more people to websites. I know from personal use that I am grateful for a good search engine. It saves a lot of time.
USWeb is a leading Internet services firm helping clients achieve revenue, profit, market share, and customer loyalty objectives through Internet strategies and systems.
They are constantly complimented about their competitive prices based upon the level of expertise and service they deliver. No matter what size your company is, they can help you at a reasonable cost.
This is a paid post.
Research shows that there is a high percentage of people who find relevant information from search engines. Using search engines attracts more people to websites. I know from personal use that I am grateful for a good search engine. It saves a lot of time.
USWeb is a leading Internet services firm helping clients achieve revenue, profit, market share, and customer loyalty objectives through Internet strategies and systems.
They are constantly complimented about their competitive prices based upon the level of expertise and service they deliver. No matter what size your company is, they can help you at a reasonable cost.
This is a paid post.
My sister inlaw is going to be moving in November. She's going down to Texas. My husband and his sister are going to go help her go through some things in her home tomorrow and start getting things ready for an auction. My sister inlaw has lived in this house for a very very long time and she has a lot of stuff.
Oh my, the big hefty spiders are out. I was out where my husband and I work the other day and walked in one of the side doors and there laid the biggest thickest spider dead. I thought it was a dead leaf at first but then I turned around and saw him. It was disgusting. I hate spiders.
Fall Leaves
One thing I really enjoy about fall is when the leaves start to change colors and there are several already doing that. They are so beautiful and we have a park that is located about 40 miles from where we live and we enjoy driving through there when most of the trees have changed. It's such a beautiful site. God has made a miraculous creation.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Root Canal
Well, it's looking as if I am going to have to endure another root canal. I wish as a child that I would have taken care of my teeth better and not had to have so many fillings in them. Because of that I now am dealing with a lot of cracks or my teeth break. It's a bummer and it's not cheap to get them fixed but I refuse to just suffer and let my teeth fall apart. We've invested too much time and money in them how it is.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I went to Fort Dodge this morning to run errands. I did some shopping for my neice and her husband. They are expecting their first child at the end of October. It was so fun to look around the baby items. So many cute things. We don't know what the sex of the baby is but they had a lot of cute things in yellow and green. It was fun.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Phone Call
I got a phone call from my husband yesterday. He was calling from one of the beaches in California. He said it was absolutely beautiful there and the sky was clear. As we were speaking, his brother was checking to see how cold the water was and in the process got soaked. It sounded quite funny. Anyway, they sound like they are having a great time.
Shopping Cart Software
Wouldn't it be great to be able to create your own online store. Well, it's possible and you can do this at Ashop Commerce. There is no installation required and they have affordable ecommerce software. Award winning shopping cart software is what is available.
Find the right pricing package to suit your business. There are no hidden fees, realize the return on your investment. Ashop Commerce shopping carts are incorporated with all major banks, gateways and third party processors including PayPal. There 100% optimized shopping carts give you the best possible platform and advice to reach the top of the search engines.
Anyone can set up an Ashop Commerce shopping cart. Test it with a demo or view their testimonials and explore the opportunities. There is a 10 day trial period to let you see how great this is. With there great technical support and customer service they bend over backwards to help you succeed.
This is a paid post.
Find the right pricing package to suit your business. There are no hidden fees, realize the return on your investment. Ashop Commerce shopping carts are incorporated with all major banks, gateways and third party processors including PayPal. There 100% optimized shopping carts give you the best possible platform and advice to reach the top of the search engines.
Anyone can set up an Ashop Commerce shopping cart. Test it with a demo or view their testimonials and explore the opportunities. There is a 10 day trial period to let you see how great this is. With there great technical support and customer service they bend over backwards to help you succeed.
This is a paid post.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
We are suppose to be getting our bike handlebars fixed so that they will be more comfortable to ride. I'm anxious to get them back so that we can go ride them on the bike trail out at Twin Lakes. They have made a very nice path and have yet to go out and enjoy it and this fall with the weather turning cooler would make it ideal for riding.
Blister Relief
I find when I am trying to break in a new pair of tennis shoes and I go out for a long hike that sometimes I can get a sore blister. With ENGO patches you can get Blister Relief.
Maybe you are big into playing sports and you battle blisters a lot or form calluses then this is the product for you, you can put these patches wherever hot spots, blisters, and calluses appear. You can even patch troublesome seams for shoes that you are trying to break in and it can even help with insoles.
Not only do these help prevent blisters but if you already have one it can help relieve the pain and cause it to heal more quickly.
These patches are proven to last 4 to 6 weeks. They are easy to use, just peel, apply and you're on your way. Don't suffer anymore with blisters and calluses, give these a try.
This is a paid post.
Maybe you are big into playing sports and you battle blisters a lot or form calluses then this is the product for you, you can put these patches wherever hot spots, blisters, and calluses appear. You can even patch troublesome seams for shoes that you are trying to break in and it can even help with insoles.
Not only do these help prevent blisters but if you already have one it can help relieve the pain and cause it to heal more quickly.
These patches are proven to last 4 to 6 weeks. They are easy to use, just peel, apply and you're on your way. Don't suffer anymore with blisters and calluses, give these a try.
This is a paid post.
Palm Springs
My husband and his siblings flew out last night and are now in Palm Springs. It sounds as if the flights went well and he called and talked to our sons last night and said his aunt and uncle live at the foot of a mountain. It sounds absolutely gorgeous. I guess the temps there are suppose to be in the 90's so I'm sure he's loving that.
A couple of months ago our garbage pickup person changed. Before we would have to take our recycling up town to a big container that had separate bins for each item, like plastic or cans. Now we have received a red box in which we can place our recyclables in and get rid of it each week. It's really nice cause this way it doesn't accumulate and we are rid of it.
Table Tennis
I know as a kid and even as an adult I find that it is a lot of fun to play table tennis. I definitely am not a pro, I just like to play it for fun. But, maybe you are one who is really good and could play in a tournament. Well, now you can sign up for the Table Tennis Insider and get the latest training method, articles, tips, news, and many more surprises.
You can also get a Table Tennis Master DVD which will show you the Forehand Smash. This awesome DVD shows you step-by-step how to deliver killer smashes that will have any player begging you for mercy.
The forehand loop is the most powerful shot in table tennis and with this DVD you can learn all the steps to achieving this.
Watch clips and videos and begin today perfecting your game of table tennis.
This is a paid post.
You can also get a Table Tennis Master DVD which will show you the Forehand Smash. This awesome DVD shows you step-by-step how to deliver killer smashes that will have any player begging you for mercy.
The forehand loop is the most powerful shot in table tennis and with this DVD you can learn all the steps to achieving this.
Watch clips and videos and begin today perfecting your game of table tennis.
This is a paid post.
Perfect weather
The weather outside to day goes on the record for being about perfect. We don't usually get too many perfect weather days. Usually it's too wet or too dry or too hot or two cold. Or, it just may be too windy but I have to say the temperature is perfect and the winds are just about right. It's a great day to be outdoors.
It was kind of cool yesterday cause my oldest son was telling someone that he was craving my homemade chili. Well, it happened to be that Thursday night I was also hungry for it and I was the only one home for supper so I made a pot of it. It was a pleasant surprise to Seth when he got home to see a big bowl of my chili sitting in the frig.
Executive Search Firm
A.E. Feldman Associates, Inc. is an executive search firm who has great success in placement with industry leaders. Because of their successful placements they have been able to build strong and trusted relationships with them.
Their recruiters have all had successful careers in the industries they represent at AEF. They bring an enormous amount of experience, skill and insight to their work with this firm.
Some of the areas of practice include financial and risk management services, legal and legal support services, communications and technology, human resources consulting, and luxury products.
Their knowledge, contacts and feel for their respective fields helps them to make the best matches and find the tightest fits for each job.
They post featured jobs on this site. They may have the perfect job for you.
This is a paid post.
Their recruiters have all had successful careers in the industries they represent at AEF. They bring an enormous amount of experience, skill and insight to their work with this firm.
Some of the areas of practice include financial and risk management services, legal and legal support services, communications and technology, human resources consulting, and luxury products.
Their knowledge, contacts and feel for their respective fields helps them to make the best matches and find the tightest fits for each job.
They post featured jobs on this site. They may have the perfect job for you.
This is a paid post.
I watched the first Survivor show for this season last night and was alittle disappointed to see that nothing really changes on that show. They have almost the same challenges and same living atmosphere. The only thing that really changes is the people on the show and after awhile they all bicker the same as the ones on the previous shows. I really don't know why I continue to watch it maybe cause there's not a whole lot of good shows on anymore.
Here it is Saturday and I should be ambitious to get some stuff done around the house but I think because my sons are home and my husband is on a fun trip that I have no desire to work. So instead I think I will just enjoy posting and later watch some movies I got from our Library.
Beauty Schools
Do you love to fix hair and make it look beautiful or maybe you like to have your nails done to perfection, well if so you may be interested in looking into beauty schools. Minneapolis, Minnesota has a wonderful school that would be perfect for your cosmetology education. You are meant for Regency's cosmetology school.
At Regency, their mission is to become the premier cosmetology institute in the world. Regency has a growing network of campuses and placement relationships, from salons to cruise ships and runways. Regency graduates are recognized and sought after throughout the United States. They help students seek out their creativity and begin successful careers. This is an exciting opportunity to fulfill a dream of cosmetology.
This is a paid post.
At Regency, their mission is to become the premier cosmetology institute in the world. Regency has a growing network of campuses and placement relationships, from salons to cruise ships and runways. Regency graduates are recognized and sought after throughout the United States. They help students seek out their creativity and begin successful careers. This is an exciting opportunity to fulfill a dream of cosmetology.
This is a paid post.
Seth's birthday
Seth is home for his birthday weekend. He and his brother got home yesterday afternoon and we had supper together. I made him Norwegian pancakes and an ice cream cake. We celebrated together after supper. We had a nice time and it's great having both sons home together.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm using my husband's computer till we get ours fixed and the goofy thing has a screen floating around over the screen I'm trying to read. Then about every 5 minutes my monitor goes to sleep. It's very annoying and I really don't know how to fix it. This could be a real drag for the next few days.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Anglian Home Improvement
Since we own our home we like to dream and plan to improve it. We talk often about adding on to the back of our home and one nice room to add on would be a conservatory. At Anglian Home Improvement they have a variety of conservatories. Depending on what style of home you have or just the preference you may desire, you'll be sure and find what you need here. They have choices like Ewardian, Regency, and Victorian. They are absolutely beautiful.
Another thing we would like to improve at our home is the driveway. Right now it is gravel and it would look beautiful to have a contemporary smooth cobble finish. They have other beautiful designs that you can choose from, also. An Anglian driveway can transform your home’s curb appeal. The durability of their driveways are exceptional. There is a toll free number that you can call and get more information or the cost of a new driveway. Their customer service is of the highest standard.
This is a paid post.
Another thing we would like to improve at our home is the driveway. Right now it is gravel and it would look beautiful to have a contemporary smooth cobble finish. They have other beautiful designs that you can choose from, also. An Anglian driveway can transform your home’s curb appeal. The durability of their driveways are exceptional. There is a toll free number that you can call and get more information or the cost of a new driveway. Their customer service is of the highest standard.
This is a paid post.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Yay, I'm going home!
It's about time. I've been sitting in this office for over 5 hours now. I'm tired of sitting and staring at this computer but I've also been posting a lot so I've been making money. So that's a good thing but now it's time to go home and sit in my recliner and relax and get ready to watch Prison Break. That will feel really good.
Travel Leads
Martin Worldwide has a wide selection within the travel, leisure, and hospitality industries from which to choose including amusement park enthusiasts, domestic and international travelers, and hotels. With the lists that Martin Worldwide provide they can provide for you Travel leads.
Martin Worldwide is one of the leaders in the direct marketing industry. They have built a reputation by offering innovative mailing list products to their clients. They are so confident that their clients will be happy with their list. They stand behind their data 100%.
They are one of the largest and most successful mailing list providers in the nation, offering customized mailing lists, telemarketing lists and fax lists to small business and Fortune 1000 clients. This helps in a variety of cost-effective services to make sure of success in its clients’ direct marketing efforts.
This is a paid post.
Martin Worldwide is one of the leaders in the direct marketing industry. They have built a reputation by offering innovative mailing list products to their clients. They are so confident that their clients will be happy with their list. They stand behind their data 100%.
They are one of the largest and most successful mailing list providers in the nation, offering customized mailing lists, telemarketing lists and fax lists to small business and Fortune 1000 clients. This helps in a variety of cost-effective services to make sure of success in its clients’ direct marketing efforts.
This is a paid post.
It frustrates me that just about anytime you have to call a company you have to deal with annoying recordings. They give you all these different selections to choose from and you're lucky if you get to even talk to a human being. Computers are nice but they don't replace talking to an actual person.
Best Buy
We purchased our last computer through Best Buy and we bought a service plan with them. It's a good thing we did because we have had to use it several times with our computer. This is not Best Buys fault at all in fact they have been very helpful every time we've needed to have something repaired or just had questions. I just want to give them the recognition they deserve.
Online University
There are many adults out in this country that need to work full time to survive but yet they would like to continue their education and get a degree. With Columbia Southern University they are one of the nation’s first completely online universities. They have degree programs are designed to fit around the work hours or other demanding schedules.
Your application materials will be evaluated to determine maximum credit transfer, and list the courses needed to complete your personalized, online degree. While there is no obligation to enroll, you will experience first hand CSU's quality service.
This is the perfect way to be able to continue to work and still excel upward in education and a brighter future for yourself. An online university like this is the way to go.
This is a paid post.
Your application materials will be evaluated to determine maximum credit transfer, and list the courses needed to complete your personalized, online degree. While there is no obligation to enroll, you will experience first hand CSU's quality service.
This is the perfect way to be able to continue to work and still excel upward in education and a brighter future for yourself. An online university like this is the way to go.
This is a paid post.
Computer shopping
I'm not sure if we will purchase anything but I have been online checking out new computer towers and seeing what the cost of them are. Since we have been having trouble with our other one it's making me want to look into getting a more updated tower. By just buying the tower it would be a lot cheaper then getting everything. I don't know what's going to happen.
Survivor starts on Thursday. They are going to China this time. It looks pretty interesting. We have watched every season of Survivor since it started on tv. I hope they think of some new twists and turns for this show. Sometimes it just gets too repetitious and that gets old but I still watch it.
Restaurant Supplies
Do you own a restaurant or know someone who does? Well, there is a great place online where you can find high-quality, professional Restaurant Supplies. Mission Restaurant Supply is committed to offering you restaurant equipment and supplies at reasonable prices upfront. They have the lowest prices in the nation and by checking out this site it will help keep you from spending hours surfing the net for the best deals.
If you can't find what you need you can call one of their knowledgeable sales staff and they will be able to help fulfill your restaurant supply needs. Shop online, learn about Mission Restaurant Supply, find a location near you, or simply browse their website. It's well worth your time.
This is a paid post.
If you can't find what you need you can call one of their knowledgeable sales staff and they will be able to help fulfill your restaurant supply needs. Shop online, learn about Mission Restaurant Supply, find a location near you, or simply browse their website. It's well worth your time.
This is a paid post.
It was a pretty good day at work today. We didn't have to run alot which was nice. It was a much smoother day then yesterday. I even punched out earlier then I usually do. Now I don't have till work here again till Friday so that will be a nice break. I fortunate that I can have that many days off in a row.
Go home
I have yet to go home from work today. I'm not working anymore but have been sitting at my husband's computer in his office since about 2:15 posting and other things. It's nice that I work at the same place as my husband because I can use his computer that way since I don't have one at home right now. I am getting tired though and it will be nice when I can finally get out of here.
Kenmore Dishwashers
Are you remodeling your kitchen and wanting a great dishwasher then you need to check out the Kenmore Dishwashers? At they have many models you can choose from. You can find out all the stats on each model to see which one is perfect for you and your kitchen.
Not only can you find out which dishwasher is great for you but at they do the research on other appliances also. These results truly are actionable meaning that when consumers have completed their Internet research, they are ready to drive to the store and purchase the product. Krillion focuses on finding and delivering relevant search results for national brands so you know first hand what to buy. It's a good feeling to know there is a place where we as consumers can access the information we desire on products we want before we even head out the door to buy them.
This is a paid post.
Not only can you find out which dishwasher is great for you but at they do the research on other appliances also. These results truly are actionable meaning that when consumers have completed their Internet research, they are ready to drive to the store and purchase the product. Krillion focuses on finding and delivering relevant search results for national brands so you know first hand what to buy. It's a good feeling to know there is a place where we as consumers can access the information we desire on products we want before we even head out the door to buy them.
This is a paid post.
Kid Nation
Kid Nation is a new show starting this Wednesday night. It involves about 40 kids trying to survive alone without adults. It will be interesting to see how well they get by. It looks to me that some kids have a hard time coping which I don't doubt they would. I plan to watch the first one and see how it goes and then determine if I will continue to watch it from there.
Prison Break
I am so excited about Prison Break being on tonight. That has to be one of the best shows on these days. It's action packed and you just never know what's going to happen next. They are now back in prison and not on the run so it should really get interesting now. I'm really looking forward to it.
Cellular Sales
Cell phones are everywhere these days, you rarely see anyone without one. It's so nice to find cellular sales right online without the inconvenience of going to a cell phone store. The site will offer the services of a “local mobile expert,” who will deliver the phone or phones at the same time the customer signs the paperwork. The mobile expert will teach the customer to use the phone, as well as help transfer contact records or email from the old device to the new. You will be able to pick up your phone the same day which will also be offered through the website. With this service it eases the shopping online experience. You get the same personalized customer service experience they offer in their store. This process just adds alittle more ease to your life.
This is a paid post.
This is a paid post.
I watched a show on Oprah the other day and they were talking about the book OJ Simpson had wrote about killing his wife. I believe the title was "If I Had Done It" or something like that. Anyway, I think he is terrible. It's wrong that he can basically confess in this book to murdering these two people and still walk as a free man. I feel the most sorry for his children. It is very sad.
Dr. Phil
I am so happy that the new season of Dr. Phil is on. I enjoy his show very much. He is so good at telling it like it is and he also is a very compassionate person. The only thing I don't like is the language that he uses. It's disappointing to me that he has to swear almost every show. I don't feel that's necessary.
Hot Weather
Wow, it's really hot outside today compared to what it has been. I saw the thermostat in my van said 91 degrees. I'm glad that the warm weather has come back cause it just seems too soon to be getting so cold. I really don't want to have to run our air conditioner anymore and hopefully we won't have to.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Well, we got word yesterday that nothing is wrong with our computer's hard drive and that the recovery disks are probably bad. So, now we have to contact the company that made our computer and see if we can get some new disks. I'd almost rather just go buy a new up to date tower but that probably won't happen.
The Vikings are playing Detroit today. I'm not a big football fan but I hope the Vikings win. My husband and son are watching them right now and Detroit has gotten a touchdown. At least it's early enough in the game that there's still time for the Vikings to come out the victors.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Killing Frost
The weather people are saying we could be in for a killing frost tonight. It seems to early for that to happen but I guess we do live in Iowa and you never know how the weather is going to act. I guess I need to make sure that my flowers get covered so they don't die yet, it's too soon.
Orlando Holiday Villa
If you are looking to plan the perfect Orlando vacation for the holidays then you must check out for a great Orlando Holiday Villa. This is a full service and valuable source of information, especially to the UK customer. When you choose a place to stay at in Florida you get specified information of each property and based on what you choose you then book it online. Whatever property you have chosen is the property you will get.
Whatever the type of accommodation you require from a condominium to a large luxury pool home you can be comfortable in knowing that the property has been carefully selected by Lowerys Vacation Homes who are committed to make sure that your accommodation is of the finest quality. Lowerys Vacation Homes are the experts in providing Florida rental accommodation.
This is a perfect way to spend time with your family over the holiday season. Florida's wonderful climate and year round sunshine is what your family deserves for a wonderful holiday and so do you.
This is a paid post.
Whatever the type of accommodation you require from a condominium to a large luxury pool home you can be comfortable in knowing that the property has been carefully selected by Lowerys Vacation Homes who are committed to make sure that your accommodation is of the finest quality. Lowerys Vacation Homes are the experts in providing Florida rental accommodation.
This is a perfect way to spend time with your family over the holiday season. Florida's wonderful climate and year round sunshine is what your family deserves for a wonderful holiday and so do you.
This is a paid post.
The other day I was out walking and I was going by the playground and baseball field of the elementary school and there I saw a huge, beautiful hawk. He seemed so content. It was such an awsome site. God's creatures fascinate me.
Computer problems
I went to do a full recovery on our computer and ended up losing everything on it. So, now we have to go to Ames and see if we can get some help with it. I miss my computer already. I sure hope we can get it taken care of right away. It's funny how much I rely on it.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Well, it's that time again. I need to think about what to have for supper. We may just have leftovers. My husband needs to mow our yard tonight and he asked to have something quick and easy and you can't get much easier then leftovers. That's good for me too cause I really don't feel like cooking tonight.
Helping the elderly
I took one of our residents to a doctor's appointment today. She is still able to drive but when she goes to a larger town she likes me to take her instead of her going alone. I don't mind cause she is a good friend. Anyway, her appointment went well and we get to do it again in 2 weeks.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Restore computer
Yesterday I restored our computer. It was my first time. I was pretty nervous at first but it seemed to work out fine. I may have to completely wipe it cause we are having trouble installing a new software. Anyway, if I have to at least I know what to kind of expect.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Saturday we got the pool just about emptied and decided to leave it out so that it could dry. Then last night it starts to rain and has been doing that off and on all day so far. Now we have about an inch and a half sitting in the bottom of it again. Hopefully the next few days will be sunny to help dry it up.
Brrr, it's chilly outside today. I'm sure glad I don't have to go anywhere. It's nice to be inside where it's warm. It's so cloudy and gloomy it makes me feel like baking something but I don't want to then I would be tempted to eat what I've made. So, I think I will just stay busy on the computer.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
This is the time of year when camping can be so fun. My husband would like to check to see what it would cost to rent a camper for a weekend. Not sure if it will happen but it would be fun. The evenings get cool enough that it's perfect for enjoying a nice campfire. I guess time will tell if we do it or not.
Marie Jo Bras
marie jo bras creates exquisitely constructed collections. These designs are made with the most exclusive European fabric and embroidery suppliers. Each piece takes up to 40 different operations with 30 minutes of manual labor. Delicate fabrics are hand cut and sewn to ensure the most perfect fit.
As a woman I appreciate a great fitting bra that is soft and comfortable. It is also important to me that it is of quality material and made durable. Having an attractive bra makes a woman feel beautiful. Marie Jo's not only has lovely bras but also a beautiful selection of panties. Their intimate apparel salon features a variety of exclusive European lines to suit any individual’s preference and style.
This is a paid post.
As a woman I appreciate a great fitting bra that is soft and comfortable. It is also important to me that it is of quality material and made durable. Having an attractive bra makes a woman feel beautiful. Marie Jo's not only has lovely bras but also a beautiful selection of panties. Their intimate apparel salon features a variety of exclusive European lines to suit any individual’s preference and style.
This is a paid post.
Spencer Fair
We were talking about going to the Spencer Fair either tomorrow or Monday and now it sounds like both days could have some rain in them especially up in Spencer. I'm not big on going to fairs but it's kind of fun going to this one cause the weather is usually cooler and not miserable with hot and humid temps. I'm pretty sure we won't be going.
Colder weather
This is such a beautiful day outside today that it's hard to believe that if a couple of days it's going to get chillier. Sounds like we are in for a rainy day on Monday and then the temps drop. Well, I guess fall is just around the corner. I know the cool evenings have been refreshing.
This morning we finished painting our shed. It looks so nice. We have our pool almost drained and we are trying to get pool supplies dried out. It's a beautiful day for that. We then decided we would set a few things that we want to sell out in our front yard and within 15 minutes we sold our small table and chairs. That was cool.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Fall decorating
Yesterday I got all my fall decorations out. I had bought a few new things a couple of weeks ago and was eager to get them out. It was fun to set it up and it looks so cool. I just love fall colors and our living room looks pretty nice. I may have to get a few more things for some of our other rooms. It's great because I can have this stuff out through November.
Getting ready for work
I'm sitting here doing some posting before I go to work. I am excited that I am already making money before I even go to my job. I need to go have breakfast and finish getting ready but this takes priority. I enjoy doing this.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Palm Springs
My husband and siblings are planning a trip to Palm Springs this month and we had found out that his brother wasn't going to be able to go. He was informed that too many guys were taking off the same day at work so he had to stay. Well, he was told yesterday that he is now able to go and we are all thrilled. Everything worked out just fine. Thank you, Lord.
Twin Lakes Steak
Last night my husband and I went out for supper at Twin Lakes Steak. We had gotten a gift certificate for Christmas last year and we just got around to using it. They had a really good Italian buffet and that's what I got. My husband got a delicious ground beef steak, it looked so good. We had a nice time and got our bellys full.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Helping residents
This was my first day back to helping my 3 residents with laundry, apartment cleaning, and whatever else they needed help with. I can sure tell that I haven't done much physical activity in awhile because my muscles get sore pretty easy. It is nice to get paid again. I have missed the income that I haven't been able to bring home.
Sometimes when a person is walking through a motel or a mall there will be these candy machines. Well, there is a way that an individual or business can own their own vending machine and make good money. You can create a successful cash business that lets you choose your own hours.
Start off as small as you desire and expand your business at your own pace. Work full- or part-time. Your income starts as soon as your machines are located. Your profit is only limited by the number of machines you want to service.
This type of business is great for families, college students, retired people and ones who are disabled. Since the beginning of 2003, multivend has established a worldwide presence and welcomed almost 9,000 members to the Multivend Family.
The Vendstar 3000 does all of the selling for you, allowing you to work smarter instead of harder.
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Start off as small as you desire and expand your business at your own pace. Work full- or part-time. Your income starts as soon as your machines are located. Your profit is only limited by the number of machines you want to service.
This type of business is great for families, college students, retired people and ones who are disabled. Since the beginning of 2003, multivend has established a worldwide presence and welcomed almost 9,000 members to the Multivend Family.
The Vendstar 3000 does all of the selling for you, allowing you to work smarter instead of harder.
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Office chairs
We went shopping for an office chair and was surprised at the variety that we found.
They have really expensive ones and some not so expensive. I was disappointed to see how much a regular chair would cost. Anyway, we got lucky at Walmart and found a pretty soft durable one for not too bad of a cost. It's even got pretty gray cushions on the seat and back.
They have really expensive ones and some not so expensive. I was disappointed to see how much a regular chair would cost. Anyway, we got lucky at Walmart and found a pretty soft durable one for not too bad of a cost. It's even got pretty gray cushions on the seat and back.
On Monday we decided it was time to scrape all the chipping paint off of our little shed so we managed to do that. It took us awhile with so much loose paint on there.
Both my husband and myself ended up getting sunburned but it was kind of a fun project to do together. Then yesterday he got the primer on and it's now ready for the final coat.
Both my husband and myself ended up getting sunburned but it was kind of a fun project to do together. Then yesterday he got the primer on and it's now ready for the final coat.
Labor Day
It was nice to have Labor day off from work. Like normal, we always find some project we can either start or finish. There hasn't been too many Labor days that we have just relax or have gone and done something fun. One Labor Day we went to Storm Lake and saw a bunch of colorful hot air balloons take off from one area. That was a gorgeous sight.
Air Miles Credit Cards
My husband and I love to fly when we go on long trips and we've always thought it would be nice to find Air Miles Credit Cards. By using one of these we could earn 1 mile for every $1 we spend on all our other purchases-personal and business and they are unlimited miles that never expire as long as we use our card.
There are several different cards that you can compare with to meet your needs. Some have an annual fee and some don't or they may be waved for a period of time. You can apply right online, it's very easy.
If you are looking for a card other then one for air miles they have alot to choose from. You can check them out by category. It's a very easy website to explore.
You can even check out your credit report. They can help you with that. is one of the Internet’s longest running sites for online credit card comparison.
This is a paid post.
There are several different cards that you can compare with to meet your needs. Some have an annual fee and some don't or they may be waved for a period of time. You can apply right online, it's very easy.
If you are looking for a card other then one for air miles they have alot to choose from. You can check them out by category. It's a very easy website to explore.
You can even check out your credit report. They can help you with that. is one of the Internet’s longest running sites for online credit card comparison.
This is a paid post.
Sunday, my husband helped our youngest son move back to college. At first things didn't seem to be going very well and not in too long of time things started looking up. He and his buddy have made their room look pretty cool. His roommates seem alot better this year so I am very happy for him.
Back to work
Well, after being off work for almost 7 weeks because I had surgery I had to go back on Saturday. It was an extremely hectic day and I was very wore out by the time I got home. I felt sick and I slept for about an hour. It was horrible but thank the good Lord Sunday was better. It wasn't the way I had expected it to be.
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