You have to be so careful these days when you get prescribed medications because you should always know what kind of side effects can occur from taking these. It makes me a little nervous sometimes to take pill if they do have a more severe chance of reaction on my body. For people who have taken Accutane some are suffering with Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis which are types of of an inflammatory bowel disease. I know of some people who have suffered from Crohn's Disease and it is not fun to live with. In cases like these they would probably consider filing an Accutane Lawsuit to get compensation for what they are dealing with.
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Family Fun
Christmas Day
We had so much fun on our Christmas day. We had lots of gifts to share, good food and playing games. My husband even found time to go sit on the patio by a fire. It was cold too! I think it was about 15 degrees but he was bound and determined to sit by the fire that afternoon. I say, "Good for him!"
Regency Beauty Institute
A beauty school like Regency Beauty Institute is a school that will give you a warm welcoming feeling when you step through their doors and also have the atmosphere of energy that is encouraging to all. The instructors are great and professional and the salons are modern and beautiful. Many students that have attended Regency and felt growth and maturity during their time of schooling there. In the professional world the Regency students stand out from other students who have attended other cosmetology schools. They know how to handle all aspects of the business.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051
The last couple of days it has been terribly foggy. I imagine it is because we are having warmer temperatures outside. It is suppose to get up near 50 today and that is wonderful. It doesn't make it good for driving though with the fog so thick. Right now it looks as though it has lifted some so I am hoping it stays that way because we are going to a movie tonight.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Network Cable
If you own any kind of electronics, it seems they need some kind of network cable. We have found that out with our television and hooking up a blu ray to it. We needed a hdmi cord to make it work and get the great picture that we desire. It's great that we can find reasonable prices for these items online.
Hinkley Lighting
We have done many things to our home to improve it and some of the things are putting in new lights and ceiling fans. It is amazing how the light fixtures can add to the appearance of a room. I've found that Hinkley lighting has a nice selection of light fixtures that would be a great addition to any home. They are modern and beautiful.
Frosty Trees
Yesterday we had quite a bit of fog all throughout the day. This morning all the trees and bushes were so frosty. It looks like a winter wonderland outside. It is absolutely gorgeous. Some of the frost is blowing into the wind which gives the effect that it is snowing. It is very pretty.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Buy Gold Bullion
Some time back, we decided to put some money away for the future. It seems like no matter what you invest in, because of the economy, all investments have taken a big hit. However, I learned that if you buy gold bullion you can rest assured that your future wealth is preserved in a commodity that has never lost its value and gains in value also. After looking into that, we decided that now was the best time ever to buy gold as it has been steadily going up. That is the kind of investment everyone needs, one that you can count on to be there when you need it and keep its value.
Busy for Christmas
I have been so busy shopping and wrapping gifts. I always do a lot of baking too. Making all kinds of cookies and candy is much fun. We have two boys who are really young men now that can really put away the goodies so it keeps me busy keeping up with them. With working part-time and all the Christmas preparations, I am ready to sit down and put my feet up and take it easy for a while.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Low Car Insurance
we thought our car insurance bills were really high and then our two sons got their drivers licenses and then our car insurance went through the roof. We knew we had to find cheap car insurance or go broke paying for what we have now. I checked out the Internet at and what a pleasant surprise to find that I could get us a free auto insurance quote from good companies and it woulb be the best car insurance rates available. What a relief. We want to have good insurance on the boy's cars but we did not want to go bankrupt. I am so glad we got to find low car insurance.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Two Steps Stools
If you don't own any, everyone should own some kind of two step stools. I have one and I can't imagine being without it. I am not very tall so when I need to get in my upper cabinets in the kitchen it sure comes in handy. I've also seen my husband grab it for higher up jobs around the house. They are worth having around the house or even garage or shop.
The last two days we spent with our boys celebrating our youngest son's graduation from college. We are so proud of him and can't believe he is done. We are praying that God will provide a wonderful job and we know he will be successful in life.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Buy Gold Coins
Are you prepared for the future? Have you made some investments that will pay off for you when you are ready to retire? I know we have given it a lot of thought and I heard a man say just the other day that now was the time to buy gold coins. Frankly, I had never even thought about buying gold. But he said that gold has always kept its value and has never lost value, in fact, it usually goes up more in value. Now that is the kind of investment we need for our future. We want to be able to live in the same way that we are accustomed to living when we retire, in fact, we would like to be able to live even better. What better way to preserve our wealth for the future than to buy gold?
Working Weekend
I just got off a working weekend and it sure is nice to look forward to having this weekend off. I love my job and I get to talk to many elderly residents who live where I work. I help serve the lunch and they are so good to me too. When it was my birthday, they all got together and signed a card for me and made my birthday special. I like doing things for them too to bring some joy into their lives.
I have a twin sister and we just love to get together and talk and talk. It seems like we never run out of things to talk about. We like to get together in the late summer and do some early Christmas shopping for a couple of days. We stay up late and talk till we just have to get some sleep for the next day. There is something about being twins that is really special. And another thing, my twin sister also has twins. Isn't that something special?
Buy Gold Bullion
When I think of gold, I automatically think about gold jewelry. I think about beautiful gold rings and earrings. I think about shiny gold chain necklaces and also wonderful watches. I think everyone has an interest in gold because it is so beautiful. However, it is also a great investment and you can buy gold bullion to preserve your wealth for the future. There is never a better time than right now to start planning for the future and your retirement. Do you want to play golf and live in a condo in Florida or travel the world. Well, buying gold is a safe investment that has never lost its value and is sure to grow in value.
College Graduation
At last, it is time for our youngest son to graduate from college. He has majored in Police Work and has always looked up to his Uncle who was a Highway Patrolman for 27 years. Now he is in the DCI so our son wants to get into that line of work. It is very interesting, whereas being on the highways in all kinds of weather is not the most pleasant job. We are going to go out and celebrate his graduation with him this weekend. It is exciting.
You know when you do not know for sure what to do with a recipe that you can always call your Mom. That is what I do every now and then. She always has the answer since she has been cooking for so many years. I have many of her recipes and I am a good cook too. Cooking for my husband and 2 hungry boys who are now men, has given me plenty of experience. They all love my cooking.
Buy Gold
My friend and I were visiting the other day. She told me that they had made a purchase and that if I wanted to make a safe investment, that I should buy gold. Well, I was not familiar with this so I decided to look into it and what I found out surprised me. I learned that gold never loses its value, in fact it generally gains in value and right now gold is gaining in value. It is a very good time to buy gold. I also discovered you can make your purchase of gold directly from the U.S. Gold Bureau as they have years of experience in dealing in precious metals. They can ship it directly to you or help you decide on a safe place to keep your gold.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Acne Cream
I know when I was younger and dealing with acne or even an occasional pimple I use to feel self conscious about it. I would try and hide it with makeup. It is important to keep your skin clean daily but sometimes it takes more then just cleanliness. Sometimes it is necessary to use an acne cream or medication to clear it up.
Christmas Music
I love this time of year. I can listen to Christmas music all the time. I never get tired of it. Some of my favorite groups have put new music out and I have enjoyed that very much. One group that has surprised me is Glee. I never watch the program but have heard a lot of their Christmas music. It is very good.
Friday, December 3, 2010
With owning a few vehicles, a home, of course needing life insurance and health insurance we are always looking for great coverage and an excellent premium. We strive to save where we can without making the coverage minimal. With owning car insurance we want to make sure if anything happens to one of our cars that it will be replaced and that we aren't just stuck without help. Also, that goes for homeowners insurance. We live where the chances of hail in the summer are pretty good and we need coverage if our home ever gets struck hard. With our son graduating from college he will need some health insurance to protect him if he ever ends up in the hospital or becomes very ill. It is wise to have these kinds of things protected with insurance.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thanksgiving week was very hectic but it was also a lot of fun. Our sons were home for the week and we all went black Friday shopping after Thanksgiving. Then on Saturday I decorated our house for Christmas. On Sunday before our son's had to leave we had a very nice and yummy Thanksgiving dinner. It was a great week.
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