Thursday, October 30, 2008
Medical Supplies
One time or another it seems we all need some kind of medical supplies. We know of someone who is elderly and needs special things like a shower chair or walker. At you will be able to find many types of things like this. They also have exercise and fitness equipment, nutritional dietary supplements, maternity/baby supplies and outdoor gear. They do have a wide range of supplies for many situations and you can shop by category or brand or condition. For a limited time if you spend $100 or more you can save $10. They offer a safe and secure shopping experience.
Halloween Pictures

I have seen so many cute Halloween pictures on the Internet. They have been of babies in costume and they are so adorable. There are also some beautiful fall pictures being sent from email to email and I love getting them. Many times I will use them as my wallpaper on my computer. Fall has so many beautiful colors and I enjoy it all.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
I believe it is important to have life insurance and for some people it is hard to get any because of their health history. Now you can get a guaranteed issue life insurance regardless of your situation. There are no medical questions, tests or examinations. Any health problems that you are dealing with or have dealt with will be a thing of the past. You cannot be turned down for any reason. What is best is that this is a guaranteed whole life insurance.
Halloween Party
Every year at the retirement residence where I work we have a Halloween party. We usually serve a pancake supper and anyone who wants to dress up can do so. Any staff that comes volunteers their time in serving the residents. The staff also comes dressed up and some bring their families. It is a nice evening for all involved and I hope tomorrow night will be the same.
Indian Summer
I heard from a friend of mine that we are having an Indian summer. She said the weather guy said if we get a hard freeze, which we have, and then it warms up again near 60 that is when you call it an Indian summer. I did not know that and if that is so then I guess that's what we are having.
I just got back from getting my hair cut and highlighted. I think it has more blond in it this time and I really don't like that but it will grow out quickly or fades some. It does feel good to have it freshly done. I enjoy visiting with the gal who does my hair too. She is so friendly and thinks like me in a lot of ways.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weight Loss Guide
For many people weight concerns are on our minds. I would guess many think quite often on how they can lose some pounds or just get their body in better shape. At you can get a lot of information on so many things related to losing weight. You can find out the top diet pills that are available, protein shakes, appetite suppressants and cellulite reduction to name a few. This information is a great guide to losing weight. This is the most authoritative weight-loss website on the Internet for fast and easy weight-loss and body-sculpting. This website was started by a one woman, Emma Classen. She battled weight issues for many years and has found the right path that helped her get into shape. This website is such a great help for people who really want to lose weight and get their body in better shape.

Christian Programming
We have Dish network and we get some great Christian programming. There are some very good ministers that we get to listen to and some awesome music. The programming is uplifting in many ways. It also helps in our spiritual walk with the Lord. It is a real blessing.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Nebraska Injury Accident Attorney
Isn't it bad when you get rear ended by a vehicle at a stop light or in a parking lot and you know it is not your fault but the other person does not want to take the blame? So in a situation like that it is necessary to get an attorney involved like a Nebraska Injury Accident Attorney . With someone like this you can find out about your rights and know that this attorney will do everything he can to get the compensation you deserve to have. It is no fun to have to go through something like this but it does help to know someone is out there to help make things better.
Yesterday I was at work creating the work schedule for next month and it was so strange to see Thanksgiving on the schedule. It is getting colder and the leaves are falling but it just doesn't feel like Thanksgiving is only a month or so away. I guess I feel like we had such a short summer that I am still waiting for more and it's just not going to happen. Anyway, life passes us by way too fast and evidently this year is no exception to the rule.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I heard this joke awhile back when we were watching a minister on television and thought it was pretty cute so I want to share it with you.
A preacher trained his horse to go when he said, "Praise the Lord," and to stop when he said, "Amen." The preacher mounted the horse, said, "Praise the Lord" and went for a ride. When he wanted to stop for lunch, he said, "Amen." He took off again, saying, "Praise the Lord." The horse started going toward the edge of a cliff. The preacher got excited and said, "Whoa!" Then he remembered and said, "Amen," and the horse stopped at the edge of the cliff. The preacher was so relieved and grateful that he looked up to heaven and said, "Praise the Lord!"
The picture is courtesy of

My husband and I love lighthouses. There just something about them sitting out in a big open body of water shining their light to lead ships home. That makes me think how Jesus is our light that leads us to him. We are born into a sinful, darken world and Jesus welcomes us into his kingdom with his radiant light. All we have to do is go to him and surrender ourselves asking for forgiveness and to live within us.
The picture is courtesy of
This afternoon I am going to go get my hair highlighted and cut. I always look forward to getting that done because I like the fresh color on my hair and the cut helps make it style easier. I don't look forward to paying for it though.=) I guess that does go hand in hand.
Love Needs Expression
Love your neighbor as yourself. Leviticus 19:18. It is so easy to say that we love our neighbors or people in general but do we take the time to express that love to them? A smile or taking the time to visit with them is one simple way to show love for someone. I work around the elderly and I can see at times when someone may be feeling a little lonely. I like to try and give them a smile and sometimes a hug to know that I care about them. I may strike up a conversation so that it helps fill that void of loneliness. It can be such a simple thing to do to let someone know you care about them.
Let us be Christ's true disciples,
Looking to another's need,
Making a stony pathways smoother,
By a gentle word or deed. -Thorson
Let us be Christ's true disciples,
Looking to another's need,
Making a stony pathways smoother,
By a gentle word or deed. -Thorson
Gas Prices
This weekend when we filled our car with gas, we paid $2.49 and I thought that was amazing. Then my husband called me last night when he was in a town not far from where we live and said gas was $2.38. I was shocked. This is so great! It is about time the prices lower. I just hope it keeps dropping and that they don't start shooting up around the holidays. What a blessing for everyone.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Air Conditioner Boxes
After I got off work today my husband and I spent about 3 hours putting on air conditioner boxes where we work. The place we work at is a retirement residence. I don't know how many we put on but it was a lot. I'm glad it was fairly nice outside because there has been times when we have been freezing out there doing that.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Snowmobile Parts
The winter season is coming upon us quickly and it won't be long and the snow will be flying and building up. There are many around us who enjoy snowmobiling and I am sure they will be getting there snowmobiles ready for that first big snow. Sometimes those snowmobiles need some new parts to keep them running so a great place to shop for those is at There you can find a huge variety of snowmobile parts and accessories that may be needed. They have a $5 shipping charge on all orders.
We got back home about an hour ago from our weekend away seeing our boys. We had a great time and of course the time went too fast like usual. We laughed and enjoyed each others company. It was such a beautiful weekend for weather. It was fun to go to church together again. They have a beautiful big church close by and it was an amazing service. It is good to be home, though.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Maritime Lawyer
I have not been aware of the accidents and death that have occurred in the maritime industry. While these people are on duty working at places like cargo ships, oil drilling rigs, crew boats, barges, transportation boats and dredges things have happened that has caused injury or death to themselves which in turn affects their families also. Under U.S. maritime law, workers and their families have rights to financial compensation if an injury or death occurred while working. A maritime lawyer such as Mark & Associates, P.C. are there to help in these situations. They help the one injured and their families. These people who work at some of these dangerous jobs need protection and Mark & Associates is there to provide that.
Starting yesterday I have been having symptoms of more mild migraines. I have one again tonight and don't really know what is causing them. I didn't sleep well last night so I am thinking it may be because of the lack of sleep I need. I am going to be gone this weekend visiting my sons with my husband and am hoping that these headaches don't get any worse.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Crib Bedding
It is so fun when you know of someone who is expecting a baby or maybe it is yourself having the child and you watch them get the nursery ready for the baby's arrival. My niece went through that about a year ago and it was great to see the crib bedding that she had picked out for Kaelyn. She had all the things in the room match and it was so adorable. It is fun to decorate for babies. You can find the cutest decor for boys or girls. At you will find great selections in all crib bedding. They really have some cute things.
Enchiladas and Pumpkin Bars
It must have been the weather or something but I was in the mood to bake. So, I made a big pan of pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting. Then for supper I made enchiladas which is a favorite in our family. My husband had to call our sons and tease them that he was eating them and they were not. I told them I would be bringing them some this weekend which thrilled them. Anyway, you might guess, we both have eaten way too much today.
University Online
It is so nice when a person is working full time or is a stay at home mom and they want to continue their education, to have the option of schooling with an university online. Capella University is an accredited university. This university has the only CACREP accredited master's degree specializations. Over 100 corporations have a formal education partnership with Capella and support employee participation in this university's degree programs. Capella University has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence. Capella offers graduate degree programs in business, information technology, education, human services, psychology, public health, and public safety, and bachelor’s degree programs in business, information technology, and public safety. This is a wonderful online University to begin to achieve your degree. It is a great way to continue your education in your time and schedule.
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Pizza Ranch
All of the staff and their spouses or one family member went to the Pizza Ranch and had the buffet last night. We reserved the party room which made it nice for all of us to sit together and visit. We had a great time and filled our belly's full. I'm looking forward to the next time that we can do that again.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What's Your Favorite Television Show?

My favorite television show is Dancing with the Stars. It is a feel good kind of show and fun to watch. I also enjoy watching Amazing Race because of all the traveling and competition involved. Another show I enjoy is Survivor. I always say I am going to stop watching it because it seems like it's repetitious but then every season we are watching it again. My husband and I have seen every Survivor show since it started.

What's your favorite television show?

Dancing with the Stars
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fashion Jewelry Sets
Christmas is not too far away and I know I have been thinking about gifts to buy. If someone asked me what I would want for Christmas I probably would say jewelry. I love jewelry and I don't have a lot of it. What I really like is finding fashion jewelry sets where you can get the necklace and earrings to match. Holsted Jewelry has a great selection of very nice jewelry ideas. They have stunning looking necklaces, earrings, bracelets and watches just to name a few.
For the past 37 years, Holsted Jewelers has been the resource for the stylish and budget-conscious shoppers who desire sparkle, exceptional quality and great customer friendly service at fantastic prices. If you need a special gift for the lady in your life you will love what you find at Holsted Jewelers. There selection is awesome.
For the past 37 years, Holsted Jewelers has been the resource for the stylish and budget-conscious shoppers who desire sparkle, exceptional quality and great customer friendly service at fantastic prices. If you need a special gift for the lady in your life you will love what you find at Holsted Jewelers. There selection is awesome.
Weekend Plans
I'm excited because my husband and I are planning to go stay in a motel and see our boys this coming weekend. Lately all we have been doing on the weekends I don't have to work is finish up projects at home. I am looking forward to a weekend with some fun in it. It will be great to spend some time with our sons also. We may go see a movie and probably will eat out some and I know they will like that.
Friday, October 10, 2008
OJ Simpson
You probably have heard already that OJ was found guilty on 12 counts of armed robbery and kidnapping. He could spend 25 years to life in prison. The Goldmans have spent many years since the death of their son and brother doing everything they can to get to OJ and I can't blame them. It seems in OJ's case, what goes around comes around. It has to be some relief to the Goldmans that he will finally serve time.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I am a McCain supporter and am not ashamed to say so. I am a conservative and support the Republican views on a lot of the issues. I have been receiving a lot of emails that have really opened my eyes to what is really behind Obama. I hope everyone will vote and look into the history of the candidates and what they really stand for.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My son went in for his second interview on a job he really wants. We are praying and believing that he will get it. It is between himself and another guy and both are highly qualified. He should hear by the end of the week who their choice will be and we are praying it will be him.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Christmas Cookies
It is hard to believe but soon many people will be planning their shopping lists for what is needed to make Christmas cookies and goodies. I usually make a few different cookies and candies around the holidays. It is traditional in our household. There are times when I like to try new recipes. Sometimes I can get new ideas from friends or family but there are also some great recipes online. So if you are tired of making the same Christmas cookies or just want to try out something new then check out the website
Romans 10:9
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved," Romans 10:9. That is what it takes to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not our good works or our sparkling personalities that will someday get us to heaven to live with God. We must ask for forgiveness and believe that Jesus did die for our sins and that he is very much alive today. If you do this you will feel a change in your life, in the way you think and act. I wouldn't want to be without the Lord in my life. He is good all the time.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Sam's Club
Hopefully on Sunday we are going to Sam's Club. We go and pick up a lot of grocery items for the independent living residence that my husband and I work for. It is amazing the money that we save by doing this. We also like to pick up things for our home. It is in larger quantities so it lasts longer and we get it much cheaper. We love being members of the Sam's club.
We have a really good Mexican restaurant not too far from where we live. The name of it is Lomitas. It authentic Mexican food. The chips and salsa is so delicious and we practically fill up with that even before our food comes. The prices are very reasonable and they have a noon buffet where you can try several of their food items. We haven't made it to the buffets yet but are hoping to some day.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Weight Loss Pills
When I have been in the Pharmacy area of the store I have noticed a shelf full of different weight loss pills. There are some pretty expensive ones and ones that aren't too badly priced. I always wondered if I shopped online if I could find a better price for these pills. At you will find the lowest prices on well known weight loss pills and you can read helpful information about these, also. It is great to educate yourself more about what you are ready to purchase and put into your body.
Survivor Gabon
Have you been watching Survivor Gabon? It started last week with a two hour show. It is a cool place where the show is being held, a little scary though with the wild animals around. It looks to be about the same ole same ole. I wish they would do something different with the show. Most of the challenges are so similar. Maybe it will be different, after all tonight is only the second episode.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wild Hogs

I was scanning across some of our movie channels and saw the Wild Hogs is going to be on soon. We saw it in the theater when it first came out and laughed through the entire movie. William H. Macy, Martin Lawrence, Tim Allen and John Travolta star in this comedy that came out in 2007. If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, either go buy it or rent it or maybe you will get it on your movie channels. It is so worth seeing.
The picture is courtesy of
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