My husband and I love to take vacations and small weekend trips. We stay in a variety of motels and hotels. So often they look very clean and you wouldn't think any different but it is said that a majority of these hotels and motels have some level of bed bugs in their rooms.
I recently heard of a story of a woman who had been staying in a motel and brought bed bugs home with her without her knowledge. She started noticing different symptoms on herself that led her to check into it that it was for sure bed bugs. She had quite a time getting rid of them but was soon successful.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use a product that could help prevent that from happening? You can now with bed bug products from a company you can trust. They make different sizes of bags that will protect your clothing and luggage from those nasty bugs. All you have to do is zip in your luggage or clothing items and before you leave the room take the bags off and leave them there. The reason for this is because the bed bugs will actually attach themselves right to the bags and you surely don't want to take them home with you.
You can protect your own home with products like mattress encasements, bed bug monitors and PackTite bed bug heaters just to name a few. Consider trying these products to protect yourself from bed bugs at home and when you travel.
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