Saturday, August 30, 2008
Fire Pits
When my husband and I use to go camping our favorite part of the experience was sitting by the fire. So, when we decided to quit camping we really missed having a fire and roasting hotdogs and making smores. To solve that problem we went shopping for fire pits. We found one and it is sitting on our back patio. With it cooling down at nights we really enjoy sitting by it and will probably sit by it this weekend to stay warm.
As long as we have lived in this town and my husband has worked where he works he has never had a bat in the building. But the other day one of the residents that live there said she saw a bat. So one night he got another call about the bat and sure enough there he was flying down the hall. Well, he didn't get him cause he flew to the basement and hid well. So two days later he got a call that the housekeeper had blocked the bat in between the window and screen. This bat was very large and creepy looking. My husband freed him and who knows where he is now.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

A couple of weeks ago I was out on our patio grilling supper. I had to move the grill away from the garage wall and there sat the cutest little baby bunny. He was so still and sat there for a little bit, enough time for me to run in and grab the camera. I think he is from a nest that has been down by our bushes next our shed. It was obvious he was scared. All I can say is that he was pretty adorable.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney
Have you ever been in some kind of accident that has caused you to not be able to work or it has caused life long pain for you? The financial stress is taking a toll on you and your family and you would love to get some help. If you live in Nebraska you can contact a Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney named Larry R. Demerath. Mr. Demerath has spent his entire life in Nebraska and wants you to contact him for a free consultation if you find yourself needing support in your recovery from serious injuries resulting from negligence. He offers quick and professional client service. Demerath is an effective negotiator who knows how to get a fair settlement through direct discussions with insurance companies and mediation. So don't suffer anymore and get on the phone and contact this experienced attorney and begin getting the help you deserve.
I'm not a big fan of storms but it has been so dry lately that it was nice to hear the thunder early this morning. I knew we were in for some rain and we did get a nice steady rain. I think the rain gauge had about a half of an inch in it. Hopefully it will put some green back into our grass and I'm sure our bushes and flowers enjoyed the fresh drink of water.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
About a week ago there was a terrible accident that involved 3 teenagers. One young man ran a stop sign and collided with the other car which had a girl driving and her passenger was a male. The passenger young man died that night and the girl died a couple of days later. The teen that ran the stop sign was slightly injured but was ok. The funeral for the girl was yesterday and of course this is so hard on the small town and the kids at school. A friend of mine was on the ambulance call and he had a hard time getting over all of this. The kids at school have been treating the teen who was at fault, pretty badly. Isn't dealing with the death of these two young people enough to deal with? These kids need to back off and leave him alone. This young man will have to live with this the rest of his life and that's bad enough in itself.
God's Creatures

The other day I was in my backyard doing some cleaning of my fake plants and out crawled a little green frog. It was like he was sitting there just watching me work. Usually we see toads but this was definitely a frog. He sat there for the longest time till he got tired of me spraying stuff in his direction and then off he hopped. That was pretty cool and he even posed for a picture.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Blackhead Removal
Have you ever had to deal with blackheads or acne caused by blackheads? Wouldn't it be amazing to find a good blackhead removal treatment? I'm sure most people have dealt with them at one time or another. There is this website at where they review the best treatments for problems like this. They list the top rated acne products. If you have no clue as to what to purchase, this website will give you help.
Lighting Fixtures
I was recently visiting with my husband about how nice it would be if we could update our lighting fixtures and ceiling fans in our house. Some of our fixtures in our house are getting pretty old and I would love to have some new styles put in. It would help modernize our house and putting a new light fixture in our bathroom would give better lighting to see in our mirror. So, no doubt that will be a future project in our home.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm sitting here posting and I really need to get ready for work. I have to leave in about 10 minutes and I want to finish posting but am getting a little nervous I'm not going to get out of here when I should. I guess I better put my job first before this. Maybe if I type really fast I can get what I want done accomplished.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Melbourne, Florida

I was watching on the news this morning about how tropical storm Fay is affecting Florida. The morning news weather man was on location in Melbourne Florida where there was a lot of flooding going on. My husband and I were in Melbourne in January and it was strange to see how flooded it was there. I feel so bad for the people living there.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Soap Operas
I always hear how people shouldn't watch soap operas but I have always watched The Young and the Restless. I have watched it from the beginning when it first started. I have had times throughout it that I have gotten away from it for a short time but then I always return to watch it. I don't take it seriously but just watch it for entertainment. I guess I don't think it is a terrible thing to do.
Dentist Appointment
Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist. It is not one of my favorite places to go but at least it is a pretty simple procedure being done so it shouldn't be too bad. I still don't enjoy going but it will be fine.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Memory Supplier
There is this great website where you can find a memory stick for your camera. They have memory supplies for many brand names. This is the memory supplier website and if you need USB flash pen drives or Digital flash cards you will find a great supply of them here at They have a 30 day money back guarantee and a 110% lowest price guarantee. Once you order you get a free same day shipping on your items when ordered before 6:00 P.M. CST. If you get the wrong thing they have free return shipping and that is great to know. Absolute satisfaction is their number one priority and their attitude is always "customer first." So for all your memory solutions check them out.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Only Grace
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8.
We recently were privileged to see Matthew West in concert. He is so talented and loves the Lord so much. He sang some fun music and also some worshipful music. I would like to share this video with you called "Only Grace." It is so beautiful and the video is amazing. I hope you enjoy it.
We recently were privileged to see Matthew West in concert. He is so talented and loves the Lord so much. He sang some fun music and also some worshipful music. I would like to share this video with you called "Only Grace." It is so beautiful and the video is amazing. I hope you enjoy it.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bernie Mac Dies

On Saturday, August 9th, Bernie Mac who was 50 died from complications of pneumonia. He was hospitalized in Chicago. He struggled for his life and couldn't breathe. The comedian's wife and daughter were with him till the end. Bernie had sarcoidosis which is an inflammatory lung disease, but it was in remission. He was on a new medication that suppresses the immune system, and that's where the pneumonia came from. This contributed to Mac's death. He was so young and talented. It is so sad to see someone lose their life at such a young age.
The picture is courtesy of,,20218110,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Yesterday we went to the Iowa State Fair and it was the busiest I have ever seen. There were people everywhere. We had beautiful weather and ate plenty of fair food. The guys in my family had their corn dog and we all shared a couple of delicious funnel cakes. We had a great day.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Beauty Schools in North Carolina
Cosmetology is a popular career that many young women are interested in. Not only young women but some men, also. Regency Beauty School is the fastest growing beauty school in the country. It was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota over 50 years ago.There are now 30 campuses across nine states, with more underway for next year.These are not your typical beauty schools. Their beauty schools in north carolina are thoroughly modern, professional, and salon-like. They offer a unique learning program that encourages and rewards student achievement, and a national job placement network. So, if you are thinking about cosmetology as a career this is the kind of school you would want to check out.
Long Day
It has been a long day and my eyes are getting very tired. Very shortly I am going to shut down my computer and call it a day. I have spent so much time on my laptop this week and am ready for a break. So as soon as I get done with my next post I will say good night.
Movie Contest
My oldest son has made two short films lately and he has entered it into a contest and is in first place as of tonight. I am very excited for him and am hoping he can make it into the top 3 for this week because then he will be in the finals. He will then have to enter a second film which he has already made. I sure hope he can make it to the end and be the winner.
Disney Tickets
If you are planning a trip to Orlando, Florida in the near future you need to check out this website at This site has great deals on so many Florida theme parks, dinner theaters and attractions. Most everyone wants to go to Disney World and you can find discounted Disney tickets when you visit this site. Not only Disney tickets but also discount tickets for Sea World, Universal Studios, Arabian Nights and many other great attractions. Imagine the money you can save by purchasing your tickets through this website. So, for the lowest prices and always best personal service, visit
Michael W. Smith

Tomorrow night is the Michael W. Smith concert. Natalie Grant and Matthew West are also going to be there. I've never seen any of these people in concert and am so excited. The weather will be perfect for this outdoors concert. I am most familiar with Michael W. Smith's music. He has so many hits that I listen to on a regular basis.
The picture is courtesy of,_Michael_W./index.html.
It has been a busy week of posting. I am definitely not complaining but counting it as a real blessing. I am thankful for any paid post I can get. It is so nice to have the extra income. God is a wonderful provider in so many ways and this is one of them.
Online College Courses
There are many people who want to better themselves in the job force and it takes a good education to earn a degree to pursue that. But it can be hard for people who need to hold down a full time job to make ends meet. This causes the problem of being able to attend a college. So a great option is to take online college courses. You can do these courses in your own schedule and still be able to hold down a job.
Capella University makes comprehensive online academic writing center available to the public. This online university focuses on master’s and PhD degrees. There is so much information on this site that people seeking help with their writing won’t find on other writing resource Web sites. This is a great and convenient way to earn your master's or PhD degree. Capella University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Capella University makes comprehensive online academic writing center available to the public. This online university focuses on master’s and PhD degrees. There is so much information on this site that people seeking help with their writing won’t find on other writing resource Web sites. This is a great and convenient way to earn your master's or PhD degree. Capella University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Lisa Marie Presley is Expecting Twins

Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the late Elvis Presley is expecting twins in the fall.
In March she made the announcement because pictures were taken of her and she was being ridiculed for gaining weight. Presley who is 40 has two other children from a previous marriage. She is married to music producer Michael Lockwood. Lisa's mother Priscilla Presley was quoted as saying,"Twins run in the family "on Elvis' side and on my side too. I have twin brothers, and then, of course, Elvis had a twin brother (who died at birth)." I hope all goes well for them.
The picture is courtesy of
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Many couples plan to walk down the isle to wedded bliss on Friday,8-8-08. They are saying 8 is a lucky number. There has been a 213% increase in weddings that day. Many couples are planning 8-course dinners, 8 wedding attendants and first dances to begin at 8:08 P.M. In China the number 8 says the number is so lucky that some people will pay more to have the number 8 in their phone number or license plates.
Djembe Drums
Some really cool looking djembe drums are available at Hand drum specialty store X8 Drums announced today their new line of Pro African X8 djembe drums. There are rope tuned and key tuned djembes. x8drums are initially importing a limited number of custom models that are diverse enough to satisfy beginners through professionals. Any djembe drums come with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you don't love the craftsmanship or sound of your drum you can send it back within the 30 days of purchase and receive a full refund of your purchase price (excluding shipping).
If you are unsure where to begin they will guide you through the selection of drums to help you make the right choice. Since they specialize only in hand drums you will get an awesome selection at great prices.
If you are unsure where to begin they will guide you through the selection of drums to help you make the right choice. Since they specialize only in hand drums you will get an awesome selection at great prices.
Everybody Loves Raymond

When Everybody Loves Raymond was on television on a regular basis we never really watched it but now when it is in reruns on Fox we watch it quite a bit. I can see why it was such a hit in it's day. It is really funny. The only thing I don't care for is how much the family does not get along but I guess that is part of the comedy.
Today it has been a lot less humid but still very warm. This is the first evening in several days that we have been able to open up our windows and let some fresh, cool air in our house. It is so nice. Our upstairs gets so warm so it will be nice to cool it down and will make it great for sleeping.
Home Health Care
Home Health care is a wonderful option for the elderly, ill people or ones who have just been released from the hospital who still need some care. They provide the care needed for people to still be able to stay in their own homes. By having Home Health Care it can shorten the stay in the hospital or keep someone from having to go to a nursing home, all in which can be very expensive. They work with families, guardians, insurance companies, case managers, social workers and with physicians and administrators in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other facilities. They put their patience care as of primary importance. One phone call to CareGivers of America will make it their responsibility to coordinate all the home care services necessary to ensure the well being of their patients.
HD Programming
Last Christmas my husband and I bought a new HD widescreen tv. We have really enjoyed having the larger screen but now I would like to have some HD programming on it. We have DISH network and they do offer HD packages but we don't know if that is the route to go or if we should change to another provider. I hate to switch but then we do want the best deal. So, I guess we will just have to really compare and then decide.
Iowa State Fair
The Iowa State Fair begins this Thursday. Tomorrow they kick it off with the Fair Parade in Des Moines. We have gone to it once many years ago and it was fun. It is sounding like the weather is going to be picture perfect for most of the fair days. I sure hope so because I do not like attending the fair when it is hot and humid or a rainy day. The guys in my family love the corn dogs so I'm sure they will be having one of those. I love the funnel cakes and am looking forward to enjoying one when we go.
The picture is courtesy of
Las Vegas Vacations
Las Vegas vacations are so fun. It has been a few years since we went to Las Vegas and I would love to go back. We stayed in one of the biggest hotels there and it was gorgeous. We saw so many sites, it was fun. When considering another trip to Las Vegas I would definitely check out this website at You can make your Vegas vacation special and check out their hand-picked selection of the best that Las Vegas has to offer. When browsing this site you can find their best hotel deals and show deals. They will help you find the best deals in every aspect of a great vacation.
New Entrance Door
My husband picked up our new front entrance door today. It is so pretty and I can't wait to get started getting it in. Our old door has been on since we moved in this house over 20 years ago. The wood on it is getting so bad and the door looks very dated. Hopefully tomorrow we can get started on it.
Pizza Ranch

We have a Pizza Ranch restaurant in our town. Our youngest son worked there all through high school and part of college. We love going to their buffets. They have delicious pizza of all kinds. My favorite is their fried chicken. I've never had better chicken. They also have a salad bar and other side items. It is a great place to eat.
Picture is courtesy of
I just got back from getting my haircut. It is going to feel so much better and not so shaggy. It will help make it be a lot easier to style, also. My hair dresser is the sweetest gal. We laugh the whole time I'm in her shop. She is so down to earth and her family is so sweet. I enjoy going in there.
Shower Chairs
My husband and I work at a retirement residence. We have been around the elderly for over 20 years. As we have known many who live there we have seen their health fail to the point that they need assistance in many ways. One great help for them is to have shower chairs. It just makes it so much easier for them. These are great for handicap people, also.
Allegro Medical is one of the largest and most technologically advanced independently owned online retailers of life enhancing products in the United States. There you can find a wide assortment of shower chairs. They also have many other items that are helpful in health care. You can find products you need by shopping by category, brand or condition of health. The Free Allegro eCatalog is offering serious limited time specials and discounts to anyone who signs up at their Home Page.
Allegro Medical is one of the largest and most technologically advanced independently owned online retailers of life enhancing products in the United States. There you can find a wide assortment of shower chairs. They also have many other items that are helpful in health care. You can find products you need by shopping by category, brand or condition of health. The Free Allegro eCatalog is offering serious limited time specials and discounts to anyone who signs up at their Home Page.
Your Best Life Now

Joel Osteen has written a daily devotional about living your life to the fullest. This book contains 90 devotions. I have read through ours one time already and am starting it all over. It is so encouraging to read something so positive backed up with scripture. It is a wonderful way to begin my day and I try throughout the day to stay focused on what I have read. If you are interested in a good devotional for yourself check this one out, it's great.
Isaiah 41:10 says: So do not fear, for I am with you: do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Fear affects everyone in several different ways. For me, if I have to be home alone over night, fear tries to enter in my mind. I think I am hearing noises I shouldn't and more then once I check to make sure the doors are locked. Also, when I've had a bad dream I find myself quoting a scripture or singing Jesus loves me to myself to take away the fear. Even the name of Jesus repeated over and over gives me peace.
Once I had to have an MRI and I had to be put in one of those coffin type MRI units. I hated it and to get myself through it I sang Jesus loves me and a couple of other short songs. It kept me at peace and I did fine getting through it but I truly believe if it wasn't for my belief in Jesus it would be a lot harder to stay calm in situations like that.
Fear affects everyone in several different ways. For me, if I have to be home alone over night, fear tries to enter in my mind. I think I am hearing noises I shouldn't and more then once I check to make sure the doors are locked. Also, when I've had a bad dream I find myself quoting a scripture or singing Jesus loves me to myself to take away the fear. Even the name of Jesus repeated over and over gives me peace.
Once I had to have an MRI and I had to be put in one of those coffin type MRI units. I hated it and to get myself through it I sang Jesus loves me and a couple of other short songs. It kept me at peace and I did fine getting through it but I truly believe if it wasn't for my belief in Jesus it would be a lot harder to stay calm in situations like that.
President Coins
Have you ever flipped through the television channels looking for something to watch and you find the Cable Shopping Network or as they like to call it the Collectibles Shopping Network? Here you can find an assortment of collectible items. One popular item is the president coins. You can find a variety of coins made with the Presidents and their spouses on them. This is a great purchase for coin collectors. There is a range of coin sets and prices. Other collectibles are the state quarters. I remember when they started coming out we tried so hard to get one from every state but failed to do so. You can find them all here at The entrepreneurial spirit and energy of their staff is contagious, fueling their goal of pleasing the customer.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Homemade Bomb
A couple of weeks ago I received an email from my brother telling me that a couple of young guys tossed a homemade bomb towards my nephews. My one nephew recognized it right away as he had heard about these kinds of bombs being made. He quickly grabbed it and threw it down the sewer drain where it exploded. The guys that tossed it at them came back around the corner in their car where they were taunting my nephews and my one nephew told them he was going to call the cops and they took off. Sure enough he did just that but we never heard what happened to the boys who did this. I'm so thankful that nobody got hurt.
Fresh Fruits and Veggies
Summer is an awesome time to get fresh fruit like watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and peaches. Then you can find sweetcorn, green beans and so many other great fresh veggies available this time of year. Farmers Markets are going on weekly and you can find so many sweetcorn stands a long side the roads. It is so yummy and we sure take advantage of having plenty of it in our home.
Midwest Auto Recycling
Anymore these days we try and hang onto our vehicles as long as possible to save on money. Even if it means making some repairs to keep them running longer. That could include replacing the motor and midwest auto recycling can really help out in a situation like that. They specialize in used engines and transmissions and they have one of the strongest warranty nation wide. All miles are CARFAX verified. All the engines come completely assembled. The transmissions are test driven, visually inspected and cleaned. So, you know you will be receiving really great products when you purchase from them.

I just wrote a post on Florida and would love to go this fall but am concerned because I was thinking that hurricane season is most lively in the fall. Is that true? Does anyone reading this know when for sure hurricane season is for Florida? I always thought it started in July and ended around November but I'm really not sure. So, maybe someone out there can set me straight or clue me in.

My husband and I having been talking about taking a trip somewhere this fall and we were talking about how fun it would be to go to California. Then today my hubby comes home from work and asked me if I was really set on going to California and I said "No."
He said that one of the residents that lives where he and I work offered her condo in Daytona Beach, Florida to us to stay in if we wanted to. We could stay there for free and it is located right on the beach. So, I don't know if we will get there yet this year but hopefully in the near future. What a great blessing to us to get offered a free beautiful place to stay all to ourselves.
Honeymoon Vacation
When a couple gets married it is always nice to find a special place to take a honeymoon vacation. Maybe you would like to find that special romantic place and also get married there. Mexico is just one of those places. The resorts and atmosphere is so beautiful. Getting married at one of their resorts means getting married in an oceanfront gazebo with flowers all around, or barefoot in the sand, or under the swaying palm trees. Can you imagine how lovely and romantic that would be? The Riviera Maya is perfect for a dream wedding because your wedding will be followed by an unforgettable honeymoon. By visiting you can take a look at the different resorts, wedding packages, and choose your perfect wedding location.
The Big Cat

I'm sure everyone has heard about the 44 pound cat that was recently found. I saw it the other day on Regis and Kelly. They were having it examined to see if it was a female or male. They found out that they had been calling the cat Princess Chunk but later found that His name is Powder. This poor cat had been abandoned by his owner whose home went into foreclosure. Now many people are trying to adopt this famous cat and want to give him a happy home. I just hope this story ends up happy for him and the new owners, whoever that may be.
God's Beauty
If we take the time to look around we can see so much of God's beauty and creation. We drive down the road and we see the beautiful fields of corn and beans that are so straight and green and then the wild flowers that grow along side the roads are so pretty. I really love it in the evenings when the sun is going down and the sunsets can be so different from evening to evening. It is just so beautiful. God's creation awes me and I am so thankful for it.
Stock Options Trading
Are you interested in stock options trading? Are you new at it and would like some help getting started? Then you should check out They offer a free personal coaching service that will show you how to choose your own risk/reward tolerance when you search for trades. They are there to help beginner traders get started.
PowerOptions is the only internet-based data provider that gives investors SmartSearchXLÆ, a patented decision support technology that identifies the highest return option trades. They have a 14-day free trial, an easy online User Guide, toll-free support, and their PowerOptions Performance Guarantee. What a great and secure way to get started with stock option trading.
PowerOptions is the only internet-based data provider that gives investors SmartSearchXLÆ, a patented decision support technology that identifies the highest return option trades. They have a 14-day free trial, an easy online User Guide, toll-free support, and their PowerOptions Performance Guarantee. What a great and secure way to get started with stock option trading.
Christian Music
I love Christian music. There are many days when I will turn Sirius radio on that we get from DISH network. Usually it is in the mornings when I am getting ready for the day. It is a great way to start my day. I also enjoy listening to Christian music cds and radio stations. I have the stations all scheduled in our radio in our van so all I have to do is hit a button and I can find great music right away. Christian music is so uplifting and the lyrics are so positive. I'm so glad we are blessed with great Christian artists.
Sons are home
Our sons came home to visit for about a week. My oldest son said it will be like staying in a five star restaurant because he knows they will be fed well. Neither of them are much for cooking and they don't have much money to buy food so they are tired of macaroni and cheese and Ramen noodles so I will spoil them a little this week.
We all plan to go to the state fair on Thursday. We are going to see Michael W. Smith in concert. It will be fun to all be together as a family. They will go back to their place on Sunday.
We all plan to go to the state fair on Thursday. We are going to see Michael W. Smith in concert. It will be fun to all be together as a family. They will go back to their place on Sunday.
Ford Mustang Radiator
Is your Ford Mustang Radiator giving you troubles and you are needing to get it replaced real soon? Then you need to check out There you will find radiators at the deepest discounts around. They offer the best quality radiators with a satisfaction guaranteed lifetime warranty. This family-run, American business has years of expertise and has warehouses all across the United States. Most likely when you order your radiator it will be at your door the next day, now that's good service. The way they can keep the prices down but the quality high is by eliminating the middleman and selling directly to the customers. So check them out if you are needing a new radiator.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Heat and Humidity
The weather people have been warning us all week that this weekend was going to be extremely hot and humid. Yes, it is hot but this past week was worse then today. I don't know what they are talking about unless tomorrow is suppose to be worse. All I know is that it is tolerable outside and I'm thankful for that.
Diet Pills
Have you ever thought about taking diet pills that work
to lose weight? I have thought about it a few times but never really know what are the right ones to buy. Now you can find out what diet pills work best and which ones don't. At they list the best and the worst diet pills. There is also a list of prescription diet pills and you can find out warnings on what the effects will be when taking these pills. When you visit this website you can find out everything you need to know about diet pills that way you are informed if you decide to try them.
to lose weight? I have thought about it a few times but never really know what are the right ones to buy. Now you can find out what diet pills work best and which ones don't. At they list the best and the worst diet pills. There is also a list of prescription diet pills and you can find out warnings on what the effects will be when taking these pills. When you visit this website you can find out everything you need to know about diet pills that way you are informed if you decide to try them.
TV Lift Cabinet
The other day when my husband and I were shopping we saw a very cool tv lift cabinet. This cabinet was made of beautiful wood and it was so sweet how at the push of a button the flat screen tv would lower down into the cabinet and then the top would close over it. And then to watch it rise up out of the cabinet was pretty cool. What a great way to hide your television if you don't want it out all the time. The cabinets are so beautiful and would look lovely in any livingroom or family room. You have to check them out, you'll be amazed.
Another Project Day
Today my husband and I have been working outside in the heat again. We are trying to bust out our brick/cement front steps. We would like to put in a small wooden deck in it's place. The bricks were pretty easy to remove but the cement is stubborn. My husband finally got a huge piece away from the house but now we have to try and break it up because it's too heavy. So, I'm not looking forward to that at all. Wish us luck or say a prayer, that would be the better choice. =)
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