Monday, August 18, 2008

Soap Operas

I always hear how people shouldn't watch soap operas but I have always watched The Young and the Restless. I have watched it from the beginning when it first started. I have had times throughout it that I have gotten away from it for a short time but then I always return to watch it. I don't take it seriously but just watch it for entertainment. I guess I don't think it is a terrible thing to do.


Kim said...

My parents and I used to watch that soap for years! We'd tape it and then watch together at night. Even my husband used to catch some of it when he did lawn work for his grandparents, as they had it on every day when he'd come in and take a lunch break. Every once in awhile I see a little of it and am amazed at how many of the same people are still on it. And how Victor and Nikki still appear to be on-again, off-again. Remember the days of Cricket and Danny? How about troublemaker Nina? (I forget, what ever happened to Nina - did they kill her off?) It's definitely an entertaining show and I thought one of the better soaps out there! Glad to hear you enjoy it. :-)

Sandy said...

Yeah, I just can't seem to break the habit of watching it. I do remember Cricket and Danny and I forgot about Nina, she was rather annoying. I can't remember what happened to her.
Thanks for your comments.