Friday, January 30, 2009
Where's the Ball?
Okay, here I go again talking about how cute my little great niece is. I was sent this video of her this week and she keeps saying, "Where's the ball?" It is cute how she is trying to form sentences and her actions with what she saying is adorable. Her new favorite word to say is shoe. Her mommy said she seems to come up with a new word everyday. I want to share this video with you because I think it is so cute.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Loving Leah
We just got done watching a sweet love story called Loving Leah. It is a Hallmark movie that was on Sunday night and we recorded it. I have never seen a bad Hallmark movie. It was a very sweet story and had a beautiful ending.
Online Colleges
online colleges are great for adults who want to achieve a degree or continue their education while holding down a job or maybe for a stay at home mom. Capella University offer people the opportunity to pursue bachelor's and graduate degree programs online. There are many areas of interest to earn a degree in such as business, information technology, education, human services, psychology, public health, and public safety. Capella University offers a assortment of resources to help you choose the program that best suits your needs and career goals. My oldest son is taking online classes to achieve his degree and he loves it. It works perfectly for his schedule.
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
I have been dealing with insomnia lately and I am so tired, literally of it. Saturday night I sat up about 3 hours in the night and ended up the next day with a migraine. Then last night I was awake 4 hours. I have been trying to get help from a doctor to see if she can help me and so far nothing has happened. The doctor said it perfectly the other night that I am tired but wired. It doesn't seem to matter how tired I am that I just can't fall asleep. It's frustrating.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What a Face!
American Idol
I have watched a few beginning episodes at times of American Idol but this season I am going to watch the entire thing. I have set my DVR to record all the new shows and have really enjoyed it so far. I know my sister and her husband are big fans of the show and I think that's why I decided to watch it too.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Uncle John and Emry

Emry is our great nephew and when we saw him last it was around Christmas time. He is


My husband and I are planning a trip to Florida in February. We are planning to drive down this time and are very excited about it. We have a friend who is going to let us stay in her condo which is located right by the ocean. I can't wait to relax and look out over the ocean especially at night when the sun sets. I found a picture that may resemble what we may see.
Bed Frames
If you are in need of a good bed frame then look no farther then You will find frames for all size beds and at a very good price. They have different styles, for example if you would like more support in the center they have different styles to choose from. Not only can you find bed frames but they also sell great products for your bed like mattresses, mattress pads, and luxury sheets. These are smart products for the bedroom.
Awhile back my husband put a more expensive filter into our furnace hoping that it would reduce the dust in our house. Ever since he did that we have more dust. It seems to be a much finer dust and I could probably dust every other day. I don't understand why this happened but it is very frustrating. I hate dusty furniture and anymore it seems that's all it is.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
You will find that electrodes are used quite a bit in hospitals and medical situations. I can only imagine that in situations like this they need a variety of styles and sizes depending on each patient. Allegro Medical has just what they need. There selection is big. They have Self Adhesive Electrodes, Snap Reusable Electrodes and Snap Tens Electrodes. Allegro Medical also has a wide range of medical supplies. They range from bathroom assists, diabetic supplies, exercise and fitness and many other categories of medical situations. If you sign up on their home page you can have access to the free Allegro eCatalog which is offering some serious limited time specials and discounts.
Being a Mom
If you are a mom, don't you find it hard when your kids are hurting? My one son was having some issues with school and it was getting him down. He would call home and I would try to lift his spirits but when he would hang up I would hurt for him. It doesn't matter why they hurt but when they hurt I hurt too. I let them know that and that I am praying for them always.
Lifetime and Hallmark
I sat and watched a good Lifetime movie the other day. I enjoy Lifetime because they do put out some enjoyable movies. Another channel I enjoy is Hallmark. I think Hallmark has more wholesome movies to watch and they get some good modern type westerns on there once in awhile. I'm not too thrilled with the Hallmark movie channel though cause the movies on there are too old so that's disappointing.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Rare Coins
Are you someone who collects and invests in rare coins? Maybe you know someone who has a nice collection of coins that they continue to add to. Monaco Rare Coins is in the family of Monex companies. The Monex companies have helped tens of thousands of investors invest over $25 billion in hard asset investments including rare coins. This website is a great place to search for rare coins. They have gold and silver rare coins. They have top picks for 2009 and beyond and also $50 Gold Commemorative coins.
You can rely on Monaco’s time honored two way buy and sell market for rare coins and precious metals products. Monaco is very involved in all aspects of the rare coin trade the wholesale market, the collector market, the international market and auctions. They believe that “Full Service Coin Trading” offers the best prices and best service making it an easy decision for rare coin collectors or investors.
You can rely on Monaco’s time honored two way buy and sell market for rare coins and precious metals products. Monaco is very involved in all aspects of the rare coin trade the wholesale market, the collector market, the international market and auctions. They believe that “Full Service Coin Trading” offers the best prices and best service making it an easy decision for rare coin collectors or investors.
Forever Young
I love this movie. Mel Gibson is an awesome movie star. It's funny, sad, and all around good movie. I don't know how many times I have seen this movie but I never get tired of it. Jamie Lee Curtis is so good in it too. It is very entertaining. He is also a very talented director. A perfect example of that is Passion of Christ. Now there's a great movie! If you haven't seen this movie you really should. Everyone should see this movie.
Walking Baby
My great niece is so adorable. She has been taking a few steps but hasn't quite started walking all together until recently. My niece sent me a video of her walking across their kitchen floor. It is the first time I have seen her walk across a room. She is really on the go now so it keeps her mommy and daddy busy keeping up with her.
I hope you enjoy the video.
I hope you enjoy the video.
Friday, January 16, 2009
New York Restaurants
I think it would be fun to visit New York sometime. It looks like it is an exciting city with so much to see and do. One of the things I would love to do is check out some of the New York Restaurants. The Village Voice is the nation’s first and largest alternative newsweekly. You can read it at and one section of it that is popular to read is about the special restaurants they have in New York. They give great reviews which can help a person decide where to go. They also point readers to the best choices in events, music, movies, nightlife, dining and more. If you plan to visit New York then take some time and visit this website.
The Beast
The Beast is a new show on that is on the A & E channel. It's first show was on Thursday night and the lead star is Patrick Swayze. He is the perfect guy for this show because he plays a pretty good tough guy character. We are watching it right now so I really can't tell you if we like it or not but my guess is that we will.
Dirty Jobs
Dirty Jobs is a great show on the Discovery Channel. Mike Rowe is the host and he is quite funny. It is amazing the different jobs he has done. My youngest son gets hooked on watching them. The show is very entertaining and if you haven't seen one you should check it out.
Romantic Cancun Vacation
If you ever get a chance to you should take a romantic cancun vacation. My husband and I were able to take a trip to Mexico about a year and a half ago and the resorts alone are very romantic. Karisma Hotels is a group of divinely favored properties on secluded white-sand beaches on the Mexican Riviera Maya. These properties have hot tubs and hammocks, swim-up rooms with ocean views, white gauze curtains floating over four poster beds, sunset margaritas served by a Beach Butler on a private stretch of sand, and beautifully presented food prepared by expert chefs. It's their way of continuous pampering for one price. What a wonderful romantic way to spend time with that someone special in your life. This would make a great honeymoon or a way to celebrate an anniversary. Really anytime would be great to spend at the Karisma Hotels.
I think I've shared this before but it has been awhile that my favorite dog is the small Yorkshire terriers. I would love to have one for a pet but my husband and I have priced them and they are pretty expensive. Maybe someday we will be able to find a good deal on one, I hope. My son found this video and it is absolutely adorable. This Yorkie is just like the one I would like to have someday.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I can't get over all the different diet pills that are out today. I can walk into a store and find a full aisle of diet pills and diet aids. It can boggle a person's mind wondering which pill works and which ones are not worth purchasing. Fenphedra is an extreme fat burning diet pill. From how they market this pill they tend to lean more towards the effects it will have on men but also state that women can also see a huge weight loss. If you are someone who would be interested in this pill or finding out more about other weight loss pills then visit You will find reviews and help you determine if this would be a product for you.
Wow! It's Cold!
I woke up this morning to 17 below 0 temperatures. It may have even been colder then that but that's what I saw on television this morning. And with the wind chills I can only imagine how freezing it is outside. My mom wrote me this morning and said it was 20 below where they live and 47 below wind chills. Yikes! My son had to walk to school this morning, he attends college and when he got there he said they had cancelled his class. That would be pretty frustrating. He was so cold and he said his legs were tingling and almost numb. Pretty unsafe to be outside today.
I think this is the most popular time of year when people are thinking about losing weight. With the new year started and recently having the holidays most of us think of getting our bodies in better shape and losing that excess weight, I know I do. Hydroxycut is a very popular, well known weight loss product. You can see advertisement on television quite often but does it really work? You can find Hydroxycut reviews on the website There you will find information regarding this product. They not only have reviews on Hydroxycut but also other diet products. Before you consider purchasing one of these products visit this website and find out more.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Snow Again?
Just Another Day in Iowa

That is all it has been doing lately is snow and blow. Monday we had a blizzard and then today we woke up to another one. We are all getting very tired of this snowing weather. My husband moves a lot of snow with his truck and it is piled up so high around where we work. Spring just can't come fast enough for us and the sad thing is is that we have at least 2 and a half more months of this. Oh well, that's life in Iowa.

That is all it has been doing lately is snow and blow. Monday we had a blizzard and then today we woke up to another one. We are all getting very tired of this snowing weather. My husband moves a lot of snow with his truck and it is piled up so high around where we work. Spring just can't come fast enough for us and the sad thing is is that we have at least 2 and a half more months of this. Oh well, that's life in Iowa.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Homemade Soup
Today I made homemade pea soup. It is a recipe from my mother. I use to make it years ago but kind of got away from it. My mom got a hold of the peas that she makes it with and I got some. I decided it was time to make a batch and I'm glad I did. It turned out very good and my husband and I had some for supper.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Las Vegas Hotels
A few years back my family and I went through Las Vegas during a vacation. We spent a couple of days there and had so much fun. There really is so much to see and do there. I would love to go there again sometime and if we do I would check out the website They have some great offers on there for las vegas hotels. You can find hotels with a free night stay involved. So if you are planning a Vegas trip soon be sure and check this website out for a great deal on a hotel.
Pizza Ranch
My husband and I went to the Pizza Ranch for supper tonight. The weather is rather nasty outside but we didn't have too far to drive. They have the best chicken ever there on their buffet. My husband's favorite is the pepperoni on a skillet crust. We both enjoyed our food very much and even saw some good friends there. It was a nice time out.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Covered Calls
PowerOptions is primarily a tool to find option investments but their customers want to know how to exit the covered callsinvestment once it is established. When you visit their website they have listed some suggestions on how to do this that will be helpful.
This website is full educational materials and premium toll-free customer support. PowerOptions provides the essential data you need to invest with stock option. They also offer a free 14 day trial, an easy online User Guide and their PowerOptions Performance Guarantee. It is the best way to find, compare, analyze, and make money on stock option trading.
This website is full educational materials and premium toll-free customer support. PowerOptions provides the essential data you need to invest with stock option. They also offer a free 14 day trial, an easy online User Guide and their PowerOptions Performance Guarantee. It is the best way to find, compare, analyze, and make money on stock option trading.
Well, in a little bit here I am going to have to go make supper. I am going to make beef stroganoff, muffins and deviled eggs. I should really go get started and quit messing around om my computer. Just thinking about the food is making me hungry. I hope it turns out and that my husband likes it.=)
It is kind of funny to see comments on facebook about the weather in Texas. We have some friends down there that think 30 degrees and rain is so cold. They use to live in Iowa and they know how cold it gets here. We like to give them a bad time about their complaining about the weather down there. When you think about it though, 30 degrees and rain would be cold. That would be cold in Iowa. It maybe even freezing it down there. Compared to what they normally had which was about 60 degrees about a week ago I can see why she is cold.
Wedding Gifts
It won't be long and we will be hearing of couples we know that are getting married this spring or summer. I can not imagine all it entails to plan a wedding these days. There are so many details to take care of. Back when I got married 26 years ago there was a lot to plan but it seems like weddings and receptions have more to them today. At any couple will find a comprehensive wedding planning site that combines free, interactive planning tools, expert advice, inspiration photos, a local vendor guide, a patented online registry system. The gift registry system is wonderful for anyone wanting to buy special Wedding Gifts for the couple. Knowing that they chose the items on the list and they will get what they want and need. It also prevents duplicate gifts and that is always a good thing. This is a wonderful site and definitely will reduce the stress of planning for that special day.
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Giraffes are my favorite animal. I don't know what it is that I like so much about them but they just seem like gentle giants. I have a few giraffe items around our house and found a beautiful picture of one this past summer to hang on my wall. My great niece also likes giraffes which I think is very cool. She has a lot of giraffe toys. I found this picture of a mother giraffe kissing the head of her baby and thought it was adorable so I wanted to post it on my blog.
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