Thursday, December 20, 2012
Winter Storm
Last night the snow began to fall and the winds picked up. Our state was under a blizzard warning. Lots of talk of thunder snow where inches of snow fell quickly in a short time. Where we live we did not have that. But this morning the winds are blowing quite strong, it quit snowing and it looks like a winter wonderland outside. I am so glad I have the day off today to stay in where it is warm and cozy. I went out to measure a few places and I came up with 6 1/2 to 8 inches of snow! Some place got over a foot! Now everyone who was worried about having a white Christmas can smile. I actually would have preferred a brown Christmas but that's ok. The snow is beautiful.
Friday, December 14, 2012
What is this world coming to! Another shooting of innocent people, killing several! I am so sad right now for these families who have lost their loved ones today in this horrible tragedy! How can anyone go inside a school of small children or any children and take their lives without hesitation?! It angers me that people push to take God out of school and so many other things. What is wrong with our country? Can't they see that we need God in our schools, in our everything! We need to pray for these families of all the lost lives today. May God comfort them and give them peace through this time. It breaks my heart! Most likely if God wasn't pushed aside or eliminated less of this horrible stuff would happen. Let's give our everything to him.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Guinea Pig
Real Estate Louisville
Are you in a place where you feel you have outgrown your present home or you just want to find a new home? Maybe you are relocating and need to find a home to buy. Working with a place like real estate louisville will be so helpful in finding the right place for you. Not only can you see featured homes but search all listings. It is so nice now that many real estate companies have websites where you can search and study each listing to see what would be worth looking at for your situation. These websites can really be helpful in many ways.
Fayetteville NC Business Lawyer
Unfortunately things can occur in personal and business where you need to hire an attorney. With a business it could be disputes with other businesses or just things that need to be monitored by a lawyer that happen throughout a business. Finding a reliable trustworthy attorney like fayetteville nc business lawyer is ideal. They deal with all sorts of issues and will come through for you when you need them to.
I was sick all last week and I still have a lingering annoying cough. I have the most trouble at night when I am trying to sleep. I have tried everything from alka seltzer p.m. to cough medicine, nothing works. So a friend of mine told me to try Theraflu. I bought some and drank it last night. She was right, I slept the most I have had in a week. I still coughed but at least I slept. I don't know if there is any better cure but I sure would be open to hearing any good tips. It makes it tough to feel better when you don't get any sleep and are so tired.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
It started in the night last Saturday, I started coughing off an on. I thought well I guess I must be catching a cold or getting the flu. By Sunday morning it was there, sore throat, sinus congestion and more coughing. Here it is Tuesday and I'm missing work because of this. I have not ever missed a day of work because of sickness. I may be missing another day tomorrow. It's better for me to stay home another day then to get someone sick.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Envelope Prints
With many type businesses there is a lot of important marketing mail going out. Maybe not only marketing information but other types of important documents. A lot of times a standard size envelope won't work in these cases so it's wise to plan ahead and have a good envelope printer make what the business needs. envelope prints are nice to have and it's the first thing people will see when receiving these documents in the mail.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thanksgiving Day
I can't believe it is Thanksgiving Day on this Thursday! We have such mild weather here in our state and it sure doesn't feel like that time of the year. I have to work that day so my family won't be able to celebrate together this year. On Friday we plan to go to our nephew's place and gather with other family members to eat a good meal and fellowship. It won't be the traditional turkey and mashed potatoes but that's ok. It will still be fun to be with family that we love. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Nurses Scrubs
I am not a nurse but where I work we are required to wear uniforms or nurses scrubs. About a year and a half ago we were all wearing the same colored tops and white pants then we persuaded our boss to let us buy different styles and colors of nurses scrub tops. We all have had so much fun buying different ones for holidays and seasons. The people we work for and serve enjoy it too. It's more fun to get up in the morning and have a variety of tops and pants to choose from.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Today is Veterans day and I am so grateful for all the people who have served our country. In church today our pastor asked veterans to stand up and it was so cool to see how many stood up and of all ages. I think about my dad today because he served in Germany. I am proud of him for his service.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Every morning I try and have devotions. I have a favorite book that I love reading out of and it's called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I recently read a devotion that really hit home to me. There has been a lot going on in our lives this summer and fall and I tend to worry and complain when things don't go the way I wish they would. So I opened this book one morning and began reading it. I felt as though the Lord was sitting across the table from me and speaking this directly to me. This is what it said:
You have been on a long, uphill journey, and your energy is almost spent. Though you have faltered at times, you have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me. There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain. You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following. I understand better than anyone else the stresses and strains that have afflicted you. You can ventilate safely to Me, because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective..
Complaining to others is another matter altogether. It opens the door to deadly sins such as self-pity and rage. Whenever you are tempted to grumble, come to Me and talk it out. As you open up to Me, I will put My thoughts in your mind and My song in your heart.
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like starts in the universe. - Philippians 2:14-15
Friday, October 19, 2012
Halloween is not too far away. I hear of coworkers talking about the costumes their grandchildren are planning to wear and even some adults I know are planning their own costumes. It can be a fun time if you leave all the evil, devilish, scary stuff out of it. Seeing children out in their cute costumes having a good time collecting candy and goodies is what is fun to see. I loved it when our boys were young and we would take them out. They had the best time and also trying to plan costumes out of what we had around the house was always interesting but they turned out pretty cute. I may have to sit by my front door this year and hand out treats to all the kids. I haven't done that for a few years. We will see.
How to Speed Up My Computer
I am on my computer almost daily and I love checking out my emails, facebook and just searching the web. There are sometimes when I have had to deal with a sluggish laptop and I wonder how to speed up my computer. It would make it much more enjoyable to have it run faster and get to websites or watch videos a lot better. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would love their computers to run faster.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The last two days here have been really quite nice. Today we wake up to temperatures in the 40s, wind and rain. It's a pretty ugly day outside but I am thankful for the rain because we had such a dry summer and the news anchors keep telling us that we are behind about 10 inches of rain. So bring it on Lord! At least I can stay in where it is dry and warm.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Stanley Thermos
I remember when I was young and I would watch my dad go off to work carrying his lunch box and his thermos. He always loved his coffee and had that thermos full. In this day and age I have seen so many kinds of Stanley products. They keep coffee, tea and any hot beverage good and hot for a long time. My support is here for Stanley thermos because they are such good reliable products!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Chillin on the Beach
My favorite thing we did when we were on vacation in Florida was chillin on the beach. My husband and I spent the majority of time while gone on the beach and in the water. It was so relaxing and we came home very brown. I loved it and I really miss it. Back where we live it is cold! It was in the 90s while we were there. It was so amazing and beautiful!
Carpet Cleaners Holly Springs NC
Every fall I start to think about cleaning our carpets. It seems that over the summer we can get lazy about taking our shoes off before walking on the carpeted floors. We don't do it often but by fall it seems like the carpets could use a good cleaning or freshening up. For people out east there are carpet cleaners holly springs nc that can take good care of your carpets and get them feeling fresh and clean. It always feels so good when they are done.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Road Trip
I really do enjoy being out on the open road and heading for a fun vacation destination but when the road trip lasts two days it gets pretty tiring. After awhile I just wish the time to go fast and want to ask, "Are we there yet?" I hope going home will go much faster and not feel like forever.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
In about two weeks it will be a whole year since we took a trip to Kauai. We were gone for a week and stayed with some friends in their timeshare. It was a very beautiful island and I'm glad we had a chance to visit Hawaii but I wouldn't have to go back. The flight was the worse part of the entire trip. It is just too long to spend on a plane for me. I would rather spend my time on a beach in Florida. Staying on the mainland is just fine with us. I have a lot of fond memories of that trip to Kauai and many beautiful pictures and that will last me a lifetime.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Adorable Baby Girl Clothing
I have two children who are now adults. They are my precious sons and I wouldn't trade them for the world but have you ever noticed the adorable baby girl clothing that you can buy for these precious baby girls? I love it and right now I may not have any girls but there will come a day when I can hope to get at least on granddaughter that I can spoil with cute clothes like you see in so many stores and online.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Sunnyview Open House
The Sunnyview open house was held this afternoon. This is an independent living facility where my husband and I both work. Several residents opened their suites to let everyone view how lovely they are. It was so nice and I enjoy seeing how each person decorates their home. They all love their suites and love living at Sunnyview. It was a great success and many people attended.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
It has been too long since I've had a day at home where I could clean our house from top to bottom. Today was finally the day. I started on our second floor and worked my way down. Our house feels so clean and what a nice feeling. Thankfully we don't have a very large home so I could get it all done in one day. I'm just glad I had a day to finally get it all done.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Last night when we got home we saw a lot of lightning in the sky. We checked the radar and noticed about an hour away were some pretty strong storms brewing. When we got home it was late so we went to bed and must have been so exhausted that neither my husband or myself heard any storms passing through our area. We found out today that we had received almost an inch of rain with wind and thunder. I still can't believe we slept through it all. That was nice.
Cigars Info
I find the Internet to be quite intriguing. It amazes me at the information you can find on just about any topic. Like finding cigars info for a person who enjoys smoking them. You can find the best information about a topic like this. I love the Internet. It has been a real help in finding out information on all sorts of topics.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Furniture Shopping
The other day my husband and I went furniture shopping for our place of employment. They are in the process of remodeling one of the large rooms they use for entertaining. So it is my husband's job because he is the manager, to find a couple of different set ups of furniture for this room. We found some really nice things but had a hard time putting the chairs and love seats together so that they did not clash. I'd like to think I know something about decorating but when it comes to a large room like this and doing it for someone other then our own home it makes me uncomfortable. We are going to go shop again on Sunday and see if we have better luck. We are sure hoping so.
Florida Beach Rentals
Florida is one of our most favorite places to go on vacation. We love spending a lot of time at the beach and there are so many different activities for all ages to enjoy. We go there approximately once a year if we can. We love it that much. We would go more often if time allowed. A very nice thing about vacationing in Florida is the Florida beach rentals. It is a great way to find a beautiful place to stay and a great way to relax. What a wonderful way to take a vacation! It is so much fun spending time there.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I work at a facility that has suites for people over 62 years old and are retired. About once a year if not every other year the board holds an open house. There has been a lot of sprucing up going on. Also, some remodeling in areas that have needed updating for some time now. It is so fun to see the changes and how nice these remodeled rooms are going to look. I have been involved in some of the sprucing up. I with some occasional help have painted around the outside of several windows and plan to do some painting on the garages. I also have to paint the lines in the parking areas. It's kept me busy but it sure feels good to see the final project. It makes everything looks so fresh and new.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Vacation Time
I am so ready for another vacation. I seriously could be on vacation every other month if we could afford it and if we could take time off from work that often. I guess it is so nice to just get away from home and forget everything about life and just relax. I am hoping to get time like that in the near future sometime but we will see. Even having a week off and being home can be pretty nice. I would choose the first one over the latter one but time will tell.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
American Pickers

American Pickers is one of my favorite shows. I love Mike and Frank. They are humorous and entertaining. The best part is that they are from Iowa! I enjoy how they free style looking for properties where they can find some great antiques. They really have a good eye for that. I would love to visit their stores sometime. They have one in Iowa and a new one in Nashville. It would be great to meet them too.
Fire Hoses
We can be so thankful for every fire department that is available in each town. They are there to put out some pretty bad fires when need be. It's so good to know we can rely on our firefighters when we need them. When you see them fighting fires you will see them using heavy fire hoses. These fire hoses have to be quite durable to with stand the use they put them through. Thank goodness for quality equipment.
Monday, August 13, 2012

My husband and I went to the state fair last Thursday. It was an absolute gorgeous day and because of that there were so many people attending. I don't think I have ever seen that many people there. We enjoyed ourselves very much and ate our share of fair food. One of my favorite things to do is to walk through the animal barns. There we saw a huge elk and it had a huge rack of antlers on his head. He was so beautiful. It was a great day!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Student Loans
Both of our sons are college graduates with bachelor degrees and they have been struggling for several months now to find a descent paying job or should I just say a job. It's very frustrating and it's getting scary. They have student loans that are due and some coming due. It's sad because they worked so hard at earning their degrees and finding that most places want experience or they are over qualified. It makes no sense and I am getting upset about it. There is something wrong with our country when kids feel they need to continue their education, go way into debt for it and then have no success in finding the right job. Thankfully we are Christians and we lean on our Lord Jesus Christ to help us through.
Monday, July 30, 2012
London 2012 Olympics
Well the London 2012 Olympics are in full swing and I could care less. Maybe that sounds bad to some people but I just don't enjoy watching all of that. I've never been sports minded and maybe that can explain why I feel this way. I have a couple of friends who could watch every second of it and I don't understand why. Anyway that is my opinion and I'm glad there are many people in this world who get enjoyment out of it. I personally will be glad when it's over.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Inspection Tools
My husband will occasionally work on our vehicle's motor. Sometimes where he is working can be in hard to reach places or hard to see. So I noticed not too long ago that he had replaced some of his inspection tools with new ones. They sure come in handy for jobs like this. I can see where they would be extremely helpful.
Protective Underwear
Often as a person gets older they begin to have trouble with incontinence. It can be quite bothersome whether it be during the day or at night when trying to sleep all night without interruption because of the incontinence problem. That is why many of these people where protective underwear whether the incontinence is heavy or light. It helps keep them dry and they don't have to worry about the accidents they may have.
Monday, July 23, 2012
My Sister
Well, my sister came to stay with us through this past weekend. Once again we had so much fun. Friday night she and I talked and talked while she painted my fingernails. Then Saturday we got up early and headed for Des Moines to shop all day. We ate at Huhot and then shopped and shopped. We got home around 10 that evening which was good for us. Sunday she left after lunch and now we have to wait another year for our sister fun time together. We talked that we should try and do this more often. We will have to work on that.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
My sons are both college graduates and have been steadily looking for a job. It has become quite discouraging for them and us. With student loans on the horizon and some coming due now it gets scary. They have even tried for jobs working in a store and haven't gotten anything. God tells us to lean on him and sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. I am thankful for a God who is there 24 7 because I reach out to him through all of this and so do our sons. We believe he has great things in store for them.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Independence Day
For Independence day this year I had to work but when I got off I went home and had planned to grill out for dinner. It was so hot that I told my husband we are going to cook inside tonight and so we did. Then we were so comfortable in our air conditioned house that we both looked at each other when it was time to go out in the heat again and watch fireworks and kind of laughed and said we didn't want to go. It's sad that such heat ruins fun. Looking forward to a little bit cooler week next week.
Trailer Hitches
Ever since we bought our van I have wanted my husband to put a trailer hitch on it so if we come across a nice camper we would be ready to pull it. He has one on his truck and it really comes in handy when pulling anything. I see trailer hitches on a variety of different vehicles and I am hoping we can get on soon so we can be ready.
We have attended a couple of weddings so far this summer and I have loved the choices that the brides had chosen for their bridesmaids. The colors are bright and fit for summer. I also noticed that the girls were wearing shorter dresses verses full length. Either style is so beautiful for a wedding. Like you find with dresses made by dessy. These dresses are elegant and come in different styles to choose from. Any one of these dresses would look beautiful on a bridesmaid.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Rockies
A couple of weeks ago my family and I took a trip out to Loveland, Colorado and Estes Park. We were planning to attend my nephew's wedding there. We took one day and spent it up in the Rockies. The mountains are so beautiful and we had a really great day. One of my favorite spots was at the Stanley Hotel. There we got a picture of my husband and me with the mountains behind us. It really turned out nice.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
This week has been an extremely busy week. By the time Friday hits that will be my seventh day in a row that I have been working. Along with my regular job I have been scraping and painting around windows at the facility where I work. It not only is a long process but I have been working in extreme heat. It is sounding like we might get a cold front moving through to cool it down some for tomorrow so I am very much looking forward to that.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Tanning Store Spray Tan
I love to get a good tan every summer. The older I get the more I realize I probably shouldn't lay out in the sun anymore or go to tanning beds. I know it ages your skin terribly and can cause skin cancer. It is fun and relaxing to do but sometimes I wonder if it's worth the risk. I have considered the the tanning store spray tan because I could still have a tan without the scare of cancer or aging my skin. I like the alternative option. It's something I should seriously think about.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Memorial Day
Over a week ago we had a wonderful day spending Memorial Day going to the cemetery of some of our loved ones. First we went to my husband's parents gravesides and then we went to my dad's. It was a beautiful day and it was nice to pay our respects to the ones we love. The day ended well with a delicious bbq with my mom and sister.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Indexed Annuities
My husband and I have been trying to save and invest some of our money so that we can have extra to live on when we retire. We have a gal who takes care of it for us and I am so thankful for that because if it were up to me to figure out all the different ways to invest and the terminology I would be lost. Terms like indexed annuities would totally confuse me. I am sure glad that there are people who are educated in this area so that they can help people like myself and my husband.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Words with Friends
Ever since we went on vacation I have been hooked on the game Words with Friends. I play it online with some family and friends and also play it on my android phone. It is so addicting. It really makes you think and it's surprising how many new words I have seen created. So many that I can hardly believe they are actually words. It's a great time....I love it!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Custom t-shirt at
No matter where I go I often see people wearing different shirts saying all kinds of things.
My sons love wrestling and Christian shirts that say special things on them that suit their
personalities. Everyone has their own preference on what they want on a t-shirt and some may
want to have a custom t-shirt at You can go on their website and create
what you want your t-shirt to say.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Mother's Day
I have to work on Mother's Day and when I get home I was going to be alone. My husband is going to be gone and
my youngest son is here now but planning to go back to his home. Then my oldest son wasn't planning to come till Monday.
But last night I received a text from him saying he is coming home on Mother's Day! He said he will be here around the
time I get home from work. So it looks like I won't have to celebrate Mother's Day by myself. :)
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Ideal Mother's Day Gift Baskets for Year 2012
Mother's Day is a special time of the year when we could express our love, gratitude, and care to our beloved mothers. She is the woman behind every successful person in the world. Everyone can agree that a mother's love is immeasurable. She did and will do everything she can to protect and care for her children. Therefore, this coming Mother's Day this year 2012, make your mom very special by giving her the best Mother's Day gift baskets that she will surely like.
It is indeed true that many of us get difficulties finding the best and ideal gift we can for our moms. The following are some of the Mother's Day gift basket ideas that you can get inspiration in thinking of what to give as a present to your mother.
Giving Quality Time to Spend With Your Mom
Being able to spend quality time together is what keeps relationships strong. Therefore, take a day off from work or anything and consider spending quality time with your mother. Time is one of the best gifts you can give to her. Spending time together means doing things together you and your mom enjoy doing. She will definitely like it, especially if you have not spent time and seen each other for a long time. Watching a good movie, beauty make-over, or cooking sessions together are just some of the great activities you can do with her.
Spa Gift Baskets
Mother's Day gift baskets filled with beauty and spa items would be another good present you can give to her. Many mothers nowadays do not only take care of their children at home, but they also have their jobs to support their families. A gift basket filled with beauty and spa treatment gift items would will very useful and beneficial to their health. Spa items such as bath soap, massage products, lotion, and etc. will be good stress-reliever treat.
Healthy Fruit Baskets
Your gift to your mom does not have to be very expensive. If you are on a limited budget, you can give her a Mother's Day gift baskets filled with her favorite fruits. By any chance, you are not sure which fruits she really like, you can make a gift basket filled with different types of delicious and crunchy fruits such as grapes, apples, oranges, bananas, and pineapples. Probably, adding some goodies, cookies, or chocolates would be sweet way to express how much you love and care for her.
The last two nights early in the morning we have been getting hit with very strong thunderstorms.
Last night didn't last as long but the night before went on and on. Now the weather forecasters are saying
that in the next couple of hours it could get real stormy. It is already storming in the northern part of
our state. Right now it is gorgeous and sunny outside. It's hard to believe it is going to storm.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Press Boxes
Any games you go to whether it be high school games or professional games you will see press boxes. That is where you can find announcers or even celebrities. Often you will hear how getting to sit in a press box is a real luxury and people find it an honor to be invited to sit inside them while the game is being played.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Gift Basket Delivery in Your City
My husband and I live a distance away from most of our families and because of that it can sometimes make it difficult to get gifts to them for special occasions. And a lot of the time I like to find unique gifts that they probably wouldn't buy for themselves such as a fruit basket or a cheese and cracker gift. That is when it is so nice to have a gift basket delivery in your city. It makes it so handy and convenient to just either call or order online and have that special gift delivered
Disney World
Over a week ago already my immediate family all went to Disney World. We got park hopper tickets and went to Hollywood Studios, Epcot and the Magic Kingdom. It was a fun filled day and we stayed till almost 10:00 P.M. We got there when the gates opened. I'm sure glad we took the time to go one more time while our sons were with us. It was a great day!
Thanks to Roman May
I saw a show the other day on television that I had heard about, but never watched. “Modern Family” is now one of my new favorite shows. It has everything that you could want- comedy and drama. It is called “Modern Family” because it portrays a family that is not the “nuclear family” as we think about it. Today, more than ever, our families are not resembling the “nuclear family” of the nineteen fifties. The patriarch of the family, the Dad, is remarried to a Latin woman and has the cutest stepson ever- Manny! His son and his partner, have an adopted partner. The sister has more of the traditional “nuclear family”, but also has three kids. The show is about the interactions between the more “Modern Family” of today. It will keep you rolling on the floor laughing! For the guys, it also has the sexpot, Sophia Vergara, as one of the main characters. I read the other day that she was actually a blonde and dies her hair dark. I could never tell because she looks so great as a brunette!
Thanks to Roman May
I saw a show the other day on television that I had heard about, but never watched. “Modern Family” is now one of my new favorite shows. It has everything that you could want- comedy and drama. It is called “Modern Family” because it portrays a family that is not the “nuclear family” as we think about it. Today, more than ever, our families are not resembling the “nuclear family” of the nineteen fifties. The patriarch of the family, the Dad, is remarried to a Latin woman and has the cutest stepson ever- Manny! His son and his partner, have an adopted partner. The sister has more of the traditional “nuclear family”, but also has three kids. The show is about the interactions between the more “Modern Family” of today. It will keep you rolling on the floor laughing! For the guys, it also has the sexpot, Sophia Vergara, as one of the main characters. I read the other day that she was actually a blonde and dies her hair dark. I could never tell because she looks so great as a brunette!
Easter Sunrise
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Graduation Announcements
Both our two boys are going to graduate quite soon from college. One of them has taken both college classes online classes but now they are finished and we are so proud of them. We want to throw big graduation party for them and will be needing graduation announcements for this special party. We want the invitations to be special so I got on the Internet to see what I could find. It was great to be able to reach a company that had a team of advisers that could help me with this. Since they are men, of course we want to choose graduation announcements more specifically designed for men. And of course, we want to be able to put pictures on the announcements so the people receiving the announcements will know which son is graduating when and where. When I say "where", I also meant the field of accomplishment for which they are graduating, such as becoming a doctor and the other going into Business Administration. We will have the boys assist us in choosing the colors of their graduation announcements, as well as, where they would like to have their graduation parties. Since they will not both be graduating from the same college or on the same date, the graduation announcements must be specific to those specifications, as well. We have a wonderful room available where my husband works that will work out very well for both graduation festivities. We want invitations to be sure and specify clearly both the dates and places of their graduation parties. We found a company that has the ability to work with us on all these many details and we are delighted to be able to get a look at them before the final product is printed. I feel these will make great permanent keepsakes for the future for both our family and our extended family.
Online Degree Programs
We have two sons and have encouraged them to go to college and get their degrees. It has been a long haul but they have both graduated now. However, we know that through online degree programs they can further their education and proceed to their Masters degrees now.
We know that by taking online masters degree programs that they greatly increase their potential to make considerably more money. They will also be able to apply for higher positions and also have the opportunities to be promoted to higher positions in their present jobs. Online colleges are well thought of and enjoyed by a great many people today because of the convenience of taking the courses at their convenience.
We know that by taking online masters degree programs that they greatly increase their potential to make considerably more money. They will also be able to apply for higher positions and also have the opportunities to be promoted to higher positions in their present jobs. Online colleges are well thought of and enjoyed by a great many people today because of the convenience of taking the courses at their convenience.
Our family really enjoys vacations. We have taken quite a few vacations in the USA and also Hawaii. The ones we like best are in Florida. We are able to stay rent free in a friend's condo on the beach. That is just wonderful. We have had two weeks of playing in the ocean and also visiting Disney World and all the other great places in and around Daytona Beach.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Wood Bunk Beds
We have two sons and when they were younger and living at home they shared a bedroom. So we had to make the most out of the room so that they would have plenty of space. We invested in wood bunk beds and they loved them. They slept in them for years till they got old enough to move out. It worked out great for them and us.
Lovegra Reviews
For men who are interested in testosterone booster supplement because of possible sexual dysfunction then it is always wise to research the products before trying them such as looking into the supplement lovegra reviews. There you can find information that may steer you away from wanting to try it or it may encourage you to see how it can help. It is even more wise to consult a physician about such supplements.
Walt Disney World
The other day we bought park hoppers at Walt Disney World. We decided since our boys were with us on vacation we would celebrate our 30th anniversary going to the parks. We had a very long day and it was very tiring but well worth it. Lots of fun and enjoyed rides from 3 of their parks. We all slept very well that night from all the fun and time on our feet.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Video Teleconferencing
In many businesses especially large ones they deal with others from other countries and places that are not locally accessible when it comes to having conferences together. That is when it is so nice to have video teleconferencing. They can sit right in their offices or board rooms and conference half way across the country or world. How handy for all involved.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Florida Beaches
My family is in love with Florida beaches. We are going to be taking a vacation there and plan to spend a lot of time on the beaches. We have been to several there and our favorite is Daytona Beach. It's big and flat. It is so inviting. We are excited to take another vacation there. Planning to be gone for 2 weeks. It can't come fast enough for me.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Discount DVD
I love buying dvds because my husband and I like to have movie nights. I enjoy checking out different sites online to see if I can find one of my favorite movies on a discount dvd. If you check out these sites you can often find older movies and of course the more recent releases. It's a lot of fun looking for them.
Casters for Furniture
A few years ago we owned some dining room chairs that had casters on them. It was wonderful to have them so easily roll around our dining room with ease. Then we started to have some trouble with a couple of them so we had to find out where we could get some casters for furniture so that we could replace them. Luckily we did and they were as good as new again.
Laser Spine
There are many people who suffer with back pain. I know I do and it really affects everything I do. Some people actually have to have surgery on their back to correct the problem. I recently heard about laser spine surgery. It is a surgery that has minimally invasive. I hope I never have to have surgery on my back but if I do I would want to have this kind of surgery.
Rechargeable Batteries
I seriously would not want to be without rechargeable batteries. I need them for my cameras and mp3 player. I would be buying batteries all the time if it wasn't for rechargeable batteries. They make it so convenient and I just love them. All you have to do is plug them in for a couple of hours and you are ready to use them again. They are so great!
Sore Feet
For the past couple of years I have been dealing with sore feet. I try and buy expensive tennis shoes to wear to work and they seem to work for awhile but anymore my feet hurt constantly. I had a doctor tell me that I have planter fasciitis so I may have to go to a foot doctor to see if there is anything else I can do to get some relief. I'm tired of hurting.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Carpet store
Carpet store
Content by Kyle Lowe
My mother decided that she wanted to upgrade the carpets in her house after many years of having the same old carpets. I never thought I would see the day when this would happen. A friend of mine owns a carpet business so we decided to go to his store to look and see if he had something that my mother would like. She is pretty picky when it comes to buying things for her house. I was pretty impressed when we got to the store. I had never been there before, and was pleasantly surprised at the many different styles and colors of carpet that he carried. While my mom was running around with a salesman, I took a tour of the store with my friend. He has always wanted me to come by and see his store. Obviously it is something to be proud of. He showed me the show rooms and then took me to see all the offices he had set up at the back of the store. He showed me how they were hooked up to with all of the top of the line equipment that he needed to run the business. After about two hours my mother had finally decided on the type and color carpet that she wanted to order. I was really glad because I didn’t want to have to take her all over town shopping.
Content by Kyle Lowe
My mother decided that she wanted to upgrade the carpets in her house after many years of having the same old carpets. I never thought I would see the day when this would happen. A friend of mine owns a carpet business so we decided to go to his store to look and see if he had something that my mother would like. She is pretty picky when it comes to buying things for her house. I was pretty impressed when we got to the store. I had never been there before, and was pleasantly surprised at the many different styles and colors of carpet that he carried. While my mom was running around with a salesman, I took a tour of the store with my friend. He has always wanted me to come by and see his store. Obviously it is something to be proud of. He showed me the show rooms and then took me to see all the offices he had set up at the back of the store. He showed me how they were hooked up to with all of the top of the line equipment that he needed to run the business. After about two hours my mother had finally decided on the type and color carpet that she wanted to order. I was really glad because I didn’t want to have to take her all over town shopping.
Longer Vacation
It is so funny that awhile back when we started planning our vacation we set our dates to be gone just over a week. The next thing I knew was that a girl at work wanted to switch Sundays with me so I did that and it made it so we could leave even earlier. Then I looked at my schedule and I saw I had one day of work interrupting going another 3 days earlier so I asked a co worker if she would work for me. Now we are going to be gone almost 2 weeks! I am so excited! Looking forward to a nice long break from home and work!
Monday, March 19, 2012
London Translation
When it comes to big business I can only imagine how many different countries and languages they have to deal with. I see on television that many business people are flying to other countries to deal with companies of their own or in relationship with their own company. The language barrier has to be a challenge in those times. I would think they would have to have a company like London translation service to help them interpret their documents and other types of interpreting services to make it understandable to one another.
I remember one time that my nephew had to fly to another country to do business for the company he works for and I know that the English language is foreign where he went. I am sure he needed an interpreter to help do business between himself and the people he was working with. It is so nice to have a company step in to make the language barrier become easier and to interpret documents that he might not have understood. With any business dealing with a foreign language this type of service has to be a real blessing and make things run that much smoother.
I remember one time that my nephew had to fly to another country to do business for the company he works for and I know that the English language is foreign where he went. I am sure he needed an interpreter to help do business between himself and the people he was working with. It is so nice to have a company step in to make the language barrier become easier and to interpret documents that he might not have understood. With any business dealing with a foreign language this type of service has to be a real blessing and make things run that much smoother.
We have been having summer like weather for about the past week. It has been so enjoyable but with that kind of weather we have to endure thunderstorms. They are talking that late this afternoon and evening we could be dealing with some very strong storms. I'm not crazy about the words strong and severe when it comes to storms. They scare me. I do on the other hand enjoy a good ole thunderstorm. I guess we will wait and see what we get and hope they aren't strong or severe.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Plastic Business Cards
My husband is the director at his employment and he is always well and ready to hand out his business cards if need be. It's helpful to the person receiving it because they will have his information handy at all times.
Recently I heard about plastic business cards and found that they can actually increase business. It also makes for a better impression and that's always a good thing. Maybe my husband should look into one of these types of business cards. They sound like a good deal to have.
Recently I heard about plastic business cards and found that they can actually increase business. It also makes for a better impression and that's always a good thing. Maybe my husband should look into one of these types of business cards. They sound like a good deal to have.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The weather in our state has been unbelievably wonderful so we decided it is time to get out the grill. Last week we grilled hamburgers, deer burgers and potatoes on the grill. It tasted so yummy! I've been craving that since it became winter. Tonight we plan chicken, hot dogs and potatoes. Can't wait!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Hydroxystim Review
When it comes to taking diet pills or any kind of medications it is so important that a person would do some research on them. Such as if someone is looking into taking hydroxystim they should really go online and check into hydroxystim review. There you can see any side effects they might cause. Smart idea to look into this.
Breakout Kings
Breakout Kings starts back tonight on A&E. What a great show! Great actors and good story lines. It's been quite awhile since it's been on television. We have our DVR set to record them. Looking forward to having something new and good to watch again.
Best Family Life Insurance
No matter what age you are or if you are single or married, it is so important for a person to purchase life insurance. For as long as I can remember my husband and I have always invested into the best family life insurance available because we haven't wanted to leave debt behind if something ever happened to us. We want to protect what we have worked so hard for and we also want to protect our loved ones from dealing with any expenses that may occur.
For us it has always been important to get the Best Rates Life Insurance because with everything else, expenses can add up. It wise to get several Insurance Quotes so that you can compare the coverage and premiums for each type of insurance. If you haven't purchased life insurance yet and are thinking about it please do it and protect yourself and your loved ones.
For us it has always been important to get the Best Rates Life Insurance because with everything else, expenses can add up. It wise to get several Insurance Quotes so that you can compare the coverage and premiums for each type of insurance. If you haven't purchased life insurance yet and are thinking about it please do it and protect yourself and your loved ones.
Guinea Pigs

My sons have two guinea pigs for pets. Their names are Horse and Buffalo and they are really cute. When they get hungry they have the cutest little squeaks that they make. I finally got brave and held them both yesterday. I had my son take a picture of me to prove I did it. They are not animals that bite, they have sharp toe nails but other then that they are cute and soft.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Moving In
Moving In
Thanks to Roman May
We just moved in to our new home, and I am almost done getting everything together. I don’t understand why moving has to be so stressful, but it just is. The last few things I have to do are research satellite internet service in my area, get a few shelves to put up, and landscape the yard. These aren’t huge tasks, so it feels great to just have little things left to do. It is such a relief to finally feel settled in. The process of buying the home and moving in took almost six months. There were a few large repairs we had to make, so that took a while. The roof had a big leak in it, so we decided to replace the entire thing instead of patching. We didn’t want to have to deal with this again after a few years passed. We also replaced all of the flooring throughout the house, since the previous owners had unruly pets. Then, we replaced the cabinets in the kitchen. We are happy with the results and really starting to enjoy being here.
Thanks to Roman May
We just moved in to our new home, and I am almost done getting everything together. I don’t understand why moving has to be so stressful, but it just is. The last few things I have to do are research satellite internet service in my area, get a few shelves to put up, and landscape the yard. These aren’t huge tasks, so it feels great to just have little things left to do. It is such a relief to finally feel settled in. The process of buying the home and moving in took almost six months. There were a few large repairs we had to make, so that took a while. The roof had a big leak in it, so we decided to replace the entire thing instead of patching. We didn’t want to have to deal with this again after a few years passed. We also replaced all of the flooring throughout the house, since the previous owners had unruly pets. Then, we replaced the cabinets in the kitchen. We are happy with the results and really starting to enjoy being here.
In June my nephew is getting married to the love of his life. They are going to hold their wedding in Estes Park, Colorado. It has been years since my family has been there and I am very excited to go. It is so beautiful and will be a great place to hold this wedding. I am hoping it won't be too cold that day. It can be pretty chilly early June.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Pool Cabanas
Our niece who lives in Texas owns a beautiful home. In their backyard they have a large in ground swimming pool and the landscape is gorgeous. They also have one of those beautiful pool cabanas that you see often having a hot tub in. It's an attractive relaxing area and I love spending time out there when we've had the chance to.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A couple of weeks ago we took a trip to Texas to see some of our family. Our neice has three grown boys and 4 beautiful adopted girls. The girls are ages 6,6,4 and 3. They are precious and adorable. We had a fun time with all of them. It was so cute how much they wanted me to play games with them. I love them all.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Scrub Tops
I work in a facility where we are suppose to wear scrub tops to work. I really don't mind doing that because I love buying new ones for the different holidays and seasons. It's been a lot of fun. Before we bought our own we wore matching colored tops but now we all have different varieties.
Don Pablos
We took a trip to Texas this past weekend to visit family and while we were there we went out to eat at a Don Pablos restaurant. I had spoon bread for the first time. It was so good that I went back to our niece's place and looked up a recipe to try it at home. It is cornbread with corn and cheese in it. So delicious. I could eat some right now. :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Rogue Status
I have two young adult sons who enjoy wearing hats and t shirts. They rarely dress up because they love being comfortable and they really enjoy the look. I recently visited a website that sold hats and t shirts just like they prefer. rogue status is the brand name of these items. They had some interesting items to check out. I am sure my sons would enjoy wearing something like what they make.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Our sons are planning to relocate in about a month. They are trying so hard to find an apartment, duplex, or house that they can rent and afford to rent. It's been a real challenge. Our youngest son is scrambling to find a full time job in that area. We are praying and believing everything will fall into place at the right time.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Pool Gate
Every summer we put up our larger above ground pool. We have it all fenced in for privacy but one end is open to get to our house. Our small town leaders had noticed that there were many pools going up around town and made it law that each pool should be enclosed for safety purposes. So now we have to think about getting a pool gate to close up the entrance.
In about a couple of weeks we will be taking a quick trip down to Texas. We have a niece and her family that live down there and my husband's older sister. We haven't seen them since last summer and thought it would be fun to take a long weekend and go visit them. Our niece is so excited and is planning a big barbecue when we get there. She wants to have her family all come. I sure hope the weather holds out so that we can go. If it snows we are stuck at home.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thanks to Lemuel Craft
We have good satellite TV and CLEAR deals now that our neighbors told us what service they were using. We were over there for dinner the other night and started to get into a discussion about how expensive internet and television were. My husband and I think that it is really expensive and they just didn’t think that it was that much. We ended up disclosing how much we each paid every month. I was shocked that they paid about fifty dollars less every month for the save type of services that we had. I just was totally shocked. I was kicking myself for not looking for a better deal sooner and just assuming that the price that I was getting was the going rate. So, I have scheduled an appointment for them to come out next week and install the internet and television. I really feel like a huge dummy and am kicking myself that I have been over spending for years. At least I learned about it now, a few more years of overpaying, I don’t know that I could handle knowing how much money I had just given away!
Thanks to Lemuel Craft
We have good satellite TV and CLEAR deals now that our neighbors told us what service they were using. We were over there for dinner the other night and started to get into a discussion about how expensive internet and television were. My husband and I think that it is really expensive and they just didn’t think that it was that much. We ended up disclosing how much we each paid every month. I was shocked that they paid about fifty dollars less every month for the save type of services that we had. I just was totally shocked. I was kicking myself for not looking for a better deal sooner and just assuming that the price that I was getting was the going rate. So, I have scheduled an appointment for them to come out next week and install the internet and television. I really feel like a huge dummy and am kicking myself that I have been over spending for years. At least I learned about it now, a few more years of overpaying, I don’t know that I could handle knowing how much money I had just given away!
Gold Rush
One show that my husband and I really enjoy is Gold Rush that is on the Discovery Channel. It is very interesting to see how each team deals with finding gold and the troubles they run into trying to find the gold and become successful at it. They depend on finding enough to support their families and at times it gets pretty scary that they won't meet their goals. It's very worth watching.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Personal Creations Coupon codes
I occasionally shop online for items that we use around our home or gifts for friends or family. I love the different kind of items I can find online and they often are on sale or at a reduced cost so I buy it. But before I lock in to accept the final cost I always look for ways that I can even save more. I like finding coupons to save more or receive free shipping like with Personal Creations Coupon codes. It's been amazing how much I have saved.
This winter has been unbelievable! Here it is the middle of January and we have no snow on the ground. It's actually kind of hard to find snow where we live. And when we have gotten a little snow we get some warm days to melt it away quickly. I don't ever remember having a winter like this. We all are loving it!
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