Wednesday, July 23, 2008


When I was in my teens back in the 70s the way I made some money was to detassel corn. I started at the age of 14 and did it all through high school. I saw some detasselers the other day and it brought to memory all of the fun we had when we were detasseling. It was usually my twin sister and a good friend, the three of us that would go together. We would be put on a crew and ride a detasseling machine. Yeah sure it was hot dirty work but we did get a great tan and made some new friends. We also got to scope out the cute guys that were on our crew. It was a great job and it helped out our parents at that time because we were able to buy our own school clothes and it also helped us with gas, etc. It's funny to think back at how much money we made and how far it's not much now and wouldn't last long at all. We made alot of great memories those summers out in the hot sun, working, and getting dirty but also having fun.

1 comment:

clare3 said...

And buying your own clothes and helping out was such a blessing to your folks and it had to be terrible hot, miserable work. I wouldn't want to do it.