Thursday, December 29, 2011
Baby Blankets
It seems like it goes in phases in our family with new little babies arriving. This fall my niece had her third child and he is so adorable. Now my nephew and girlfriend are expecting a little girl in March. Babies are so fun and I love holding them. Thinking about gifts for babies makes me think of buying baby blankets. They come in so many different varieties and you can also buy them by gender which would be perfect to buy one of the cute baby girl blankets for my nephew's little girl. Back in blanket history you can find that that is probably the one item that most babies feel security with so if you know of someone who is expecting you may want to purchase a special baby blanket for their new baby.
I went this morning to get a haircut. It really wasn't too long but thought I would get it shaped up before we have our last family Christmas. It's amazing how good it can make a person feel to just get a little hair cut off. I am sure glad I didn't cancel my appointment because I had thought to do that. She did a great job and it feels great too!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Muppets
This Friday we are going as a family to see the latest Muppet movie. We have a theater not far from us that is playing it and it only cost $2 per person to get in. Now that's a bargain. They have good popcorn too. So that is what we are going to do for entertainment on Friday night. We have heard nothing but good commments about this movie.
Being the Boss
Being the Boss
Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell
Being the boss is hard enough as it is but in this economy it’s downright petrifying. I’ve been working overtime trying to figure out ways to save us more money so I won’t have to lay anyone off but as you can imagine, it’s not like having a stationery company is a cash cow in this economy. I looked on not too long ago for a cheaper business system than what I was using and that’s going to save us some on the website and I’ve asked my calligrapher to go part time rather than full. I actually even stopped sourcing paper from the high-end company I’ve used for years because they were just too pricey – I cut my costs to keep up with waning demand. I think we’ll make it through thanks to a happy holiday season with lots of cards as well as a hopefully bountiful wedding season coming up in the spring. Etsy is also a great money maker for us so I’m going to keep on keeping on until I can’t!
Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell
Being the boss is hard enough as it is but in this economy it’s downright petrifying. I’ve been working overtime trying to figure out ways to save us more money so I won’t have to lay anyone off but as you can imagine, it’s not like having a stationery company is a cash cow in this economy. I looked on not too long ago for a cheaper business system than what I was using and that’s going to save us some on the website and I’ve asked my calligrapher to go part time rather than full. I actually even stopped sourcing paper from the high-end company I’ve used for years because they were just too pricey – I cut my costs to keep up with waning demand. I think we’ll make it through thanks to a happy holiday season with lots of cards as well as a hopefully bountiful wedding season coming up in the spring. Etsy is also a great money maker for us so I’m going to keep on keeping on until I can’t!
Christmas Preparation
I am busy trying to get the last minute Christmas prep done before Saturday. That is when we will be celebrating Christmas together with our sons. I have some desserts to make, clean house some and work too. I have tomorrow off so I am going to accomplish as much as I possibly can before our sons get home tomorrow night. I am excited and love this time of year.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Mobile Computer Workstations at
If you have ever visited a hospital recently you will often see these mobile computer workstations that the nurses and doctors can roll into room after room and check on the patients records or other information they may need. It has to be so handy for these nurses and doctors because there isn't a lot of running back and forth to find out information they need to know at that time. For equipment like this any hospital facility could find mobile computer workstations at
Bobcats for Sale
My husband is the administrator of an retirement facility and we live where we tend to get lots of snow. He does have a large blade on his truck to move all the snow throughout the parking lots but he often says how nice it would be to have a bobcat to help pile it up higher. For fun he has looked at bobcats for sale to see just what it would cost to own one. Maybe some day he will be able to get one to help around the place where he works.
Friday, December 9, 2011
I get so excited when I get the weekend off. I work every other weekend and treasure the ones I have off. Tonight my husband and I are going to the movie Courageous. Then tomorrow we will probably stick around home and get some chores done. We may take a day and do some Christmas shopping. Then on Monday when I am still off we are going to our sons place and go to the casino where our oldest son works and eat their Mexican buffet. They have the best buffets ever there. So I think we have some productive things planned and some fun. I am really looking forward to this weekend!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Diving Goggles
Not too long ago we went to Kauai with some friends. They travel a lot and do some very different things when they vacation. One of the things they really enjoy is to scuba dive or snorkel. So when we were in Kauai they talked like they had wished they would have brought some of their gear to do an activity like one of these. Gear needed for scuba diving would be diving goggles and other items. Without those they would have had to rent some and they didn't feel like doing that.
On Saturday I spent most of the day decorating our home for Christmas. Luckily I had my boys home and my husband and they all helped in some sort of way. It fairly smooth and it got done. Then today a co worker and I went to where we work and decorated several trees, it was a big job. The lights would not cooperate and it got a little frustrating. Sure glad that is all done for another year.
Car Insurance Rates
When my husband and I are looking for car insurance we are looking to find lower premiums but to have very good coverage. We don't like to take a lot of time contacting different insurance agencies to find out which one is the best. So that is when using a good site online works out very well. You can receive car insurance rate quotes in minutes and it makes it so easy to compare. Everyone is accepted including students and people who are at fault drivers. Now you can get insurance without the hassle. The insurance is affordable and you can obtain it through major car insurance providers. If you are someone who is in the process of looking for insurance then save yourself some time and check out this website.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I have been busy making my list of the foods I want to make for Thanksgiving dinner. Our boys will be coming home for a few days and that excites me. It is a wonderful time of year to reflect on our lives and how much God blesses us. Thanksgiving day should be everyday and I try and give God the thanks for all he does for us.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
RV Financing
Are you someone who is looking for an rv and need to find a loan to help pay for it? I know my husband and I would love to buy a camper sometime in the near future and most likely we would need some rv financing to help us out. The internet is a great tool to use when it comes to finding a financing option.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Palm Trees
When we were on vacation to Kauai we saw many beautiful plants and trees. And because it is a more tropical island there were plenty of palm trees. That has to be one of my favorite things to see when we go on a trip like this. I spotted a couple of them together so I took an opportunity to take a different angle picture of it and I am pleased at how well it turned out so I want to share it on my blog.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Send an Enagement Gift
I have a nephew who has been recently engaged. The family is very excited for them and his fiance is a real sweetheart. In occasions like this, is it proper to send an enagement gift? I'm sure if you are close friends or family it might be a nice thing to do. I guess it's something to think about.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Back Surgery Laser
My mom has had issues with her back over the years and she still deals with it quite a bit. I have seen her go into the hospital and have back surgery where they have had to make it a major surgery. Now there are places offering back surgery laser which is less invasive. It is something to really consider and educate yourself on if you would need this done.
Reservations Clerk Jobs
I have often thought it would be fun to work at a hotel. I think it would be a great way to meet people from all over. A great way to find Reservations Clerk Jobs would be to use the internet because there are some really great sites that make it easy to find specific job opening like this one in an city and state you want to live in.
Blow Hole
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thanks for the guest post by Bradly Watkins
I moved to Austin last year to get my graduate degree here at UT and am only sad I didn’t spend my undergraduate years here. The city is amazing. The people are weird. The food is delicious. The art is one-of-a-kind. And, the boys are goooooood lookin’. The only thing is, since I’m in school, I don’t get to experience the area like I wish I could. I made sure I spent time visiting apartments and good, safe areas because I was going to be spending so much time there studying. I’m a sucker for curling up on the couch with a few articles and the window open to do schoolwork. Turns out, though, I’ve got some upstairs neighbors who do about everything BUT study. Everything loud. Sing, dance, stomp, yell, cry, fight, laugh. It’s like a three-ring circus above me. About the only things I can concentrate on when they’re home are mindless internet browsing, researching texas electricity providers to find better rates, checking and re-checking my email, and scrolling through Pinterest. It’s definitely time for this student to make a move.
Thanks for the guest post by Bradly Watkins
I moved to Austin last year to get my graduate degree here at UT and am only sad I didn’t spend my undergraduate years here. The city is amazing. The people are weird. The food is delicious. The art is one-of-a-kind. And, the boys are goooooood lookin’. The only thing is, since I’m in school, I don’t get to experience the area like I wish I could. I made sure I spent time visiting apartments and good, safe areas because I was going to be spending so much time there studying. I’m a sucker for curling up on the couch with a few articles and the window open to do schoolwork. Turns out, though, I’ve got some upstairs neighbors who do about everything BUT study. Everything loud. Sing, dance, stomp, yell, cry, fight, laugh. It’s like a three-ring circus above me. About the only things I can concentrate on when they’re home are mindless internet browsing, researching texas electricity providers to find better rates, checking and re-checking my email, and scrolling through Pinterest. It’s definitely time for this student to make a move.
Working Weekend
Well, it' my weekend to work and I wish I could be home. My boys came home to visit and we are going to have a beautiful fall weekend of weather. Thankfully I only work about 5 hours each day so I should still have some daylight hours with them. I work every other weekend so I treasure my weekends off.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Metal Detectors Garrett
Searching for valuables using metal detectors garrett can be very exciting and a great hobby, as well. Metal detectors come in all price ranges, so you need to check them out and decide which one would work best for you. By checking the Internet, you can always find the best available prices for metal detectors. It is always good to also read the reviews of others who have used the Garrett Metal Detectors to find out which ones were more satisfying. Sometimes one that costs a bit less has been highly rated, as well as, those that are more expensive. It pays to investigate what others think of these metal detectors.
Houses For Rent
Today often people are finding it easier to rent a home that to buy one. They also may have a rental home they wish to list, as well. When going on vacation, it is an easy matter to check out houses for rent by going on the Internet. You can choose the country you wish to visit and then fill out a simple form showing the details of a home you would like to rent. By then selecting the area, or state, you will find more selections and you can narrow it down to exactly where you would like to vacation, or for that matter, move to and live there. If you are a property owner, you can easily list your rental properties at the same place for a reasonable charge.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Costume City Coupons
Halloween can be a fun time of the year as long as a person doesn't get too involved in the creepy, evil side of things. Wearing fun costumes and clothing can be enjoyable. I enjoy seeing what children wear when the go trick or treating. Even adults get into it and often have their own Halloween parties to attend. If you are looking to save on rental of a costume instead of purchasing one maybe you could try one of the costume city coupons. Why not have fun and save some money too.
We have really been blessed with some great fall weather. This week we are anticipating temperatures in the 70s and 80s. It is an absolute gorgeous day today and I am hoping to get outside some to enjoy it. I think it would be a good time to clean our van. It needs it badly.;)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Cosmetology School
If you are considering a career in cosmetology then I know just the school for you. Regency Beauty Institute has several Cosmetology school across the nation. It is the fastest cosmetology school around. This school offers an excellent education and modern salons where they can get professional training. When the students have graduated the school offers job placement. They can help place these students in jobs like runways, salons and cruise ships. These students get such an excellent education that they are sought after by many people. It is the place to go if you want that career in cosmetology. This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 7100 Northland Circle, Suite 312 – Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Fun with my Boys
I got to spend a couple of days with my boys last week. One evening we took a nice walk through a gorgeous park that wasn't far from where they live. The weather was gorgeous and the park was full of trees and a very nice bike path. We also saw a deer with her baby that passed in front of our van. It was a lot of fun.
Key Man Insurance
Some businesses have people who are vital to their company. They are so knowledgeable and important to the relationship of the business that if this person died they would lose a very important part of their business. That is when a business can purchase key man insurance. This protects them in the loss of their key man or woman who is so vital to the company.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
My Mom and Dad
I recently received a really nice picture of my mom and dad. I thought it turned out so good. It was taken about a month ago and I'm so glad I have it because we have found out that my dad is terminal and failing fast. We are so blessed because we know he is a born again Christian and is ready to pass on. He will be in glory and that gives us peace.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Personalized Leather Gifts
Sometimes it is hard to think of good ideas to buy gifts for loved ones. Example would be my parents. They are older and have all they really need so it takes some thinking as to what type of gift I would want to buy them. One idea is personalized leather gifts because leather is a great idea to put into several kinds of gifts. For example a travel bag or a wallet. These make good practical gifts that most everyone can use.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Me and My Hubby
I love getting up to date pictures of me and my hubby. Especially when they turn out pretty good. When we were in Eureka Springs, Arkansas in July we had a picture taken together in a cool looking spot on Main Street. I really like it and so glad that it turned out. So I thought I would post it on my blog.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Austin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
With summer here it is very common to see many motorcycles around town and on the highways. I know they are a lot of fun to ride and it's great to be out with the wind in their hair but they scare me. I am always worried that someone may turn in front of them because they didn't see them or something bad would happen. I know of many people who have lost their lives because of motorcycle accidents or have been hurt so badly that they can't hold a job or have trouble health wise living day to day. It's especially hard when it wasn't the person on the motorcycles fault and they have to deal with all costs endured by the accident. That is when it is important to contact an Austin motorcycle accident lawyer. They can help you with a situation like this.
If you find yourself in a predicament like this then contact O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.
If you find yourself in a predicament like this then contact O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.
In just over a month my husband and I are going to join another couple who are dear friends and we are taking a trip to Kauai, Hawaii. This is the first time that we have ever been there. Our friends have a time share and they invited us to go along with them. We are very excited and can't believe it's almost here. We have been planning this for a very long time. It seemed so far away when they first asked us and now it's just a month away.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Outdoor Thermometers at Cleanairgardening
We have a nice deck outside our back door and we get so much enjoyment out of it. On the lower end of the deck we have a swimming pool set up in the summer time. I spend a lot of time out there and when I do I like to know what time it is and often check to see what the temperature is. In the winter time my husband likes to see how cold it is so it is important to have a outdoor thermometer to read. outdoor thermometers at cleanairgardening is a great place to find very nice clocks/thermometers. They are very stylish and attractive.
Everybody Loves Raymond
I have some favorite sitcoms that I watch quite a bit and one of them is Everybody Loves Raymond. It is really strange that I did not watch these when they were first on. I started to watch them when they became reruns and my husband and I have gotten a lot of enjoyment and laughter out of them.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Putting together my dream home gym
Guest post written by Tara Lewis
I've thought about putting together a home gym for a while now. I just like being at home and working out so that I can concentrate on my own workout instead of being self conscious around other people. I also hate waiting to get on cardio machines at the gym, which is a problem during the times that I can go to the gym. So I thought that it would be good to finally work on one for myself at home.
So I went online to see exactly what I could do with my guest bedroom to make it into a fitness room. While I was online looking at some info on what I could do with that space, I ran across the site After I looked through it a little bit, I decided that I should use it to get some carpet in that room that would be good for a gym type area.
I've found some other ideas for my fitness room. I want it to be very calming, but in a way where I can just focus on my workout and not anything else.
I've thought about putting together a home gym for a while now. I just like being at home and working out so that I can concentrate on my own workout instead of being self conscious around other people. I also hate waiting to get on cardio machines at the gym, which is a problem during the times that I can go to the gym. So I thought that it would be good to finally work on one for myself at home.
So I went online to see exactly what I could do with my guest bedroom to make it into a fitness room. While I was online looking at some info on what I could do with that space, I ran across the site After I looked through it a little bit, I decided that I should use it to get some carpet in that room that would be good for a gym type area.
I've found some other ideas for my fitness room. I want it to be very calming, but in a way where I can just focus on my workout and not anything else.
It saddened me but we had to take our pool down this past weekend. I don't know what it was but we had a terrible time keeping it clean this summer. Never have we had that much trouble. It was also getting too cold to get into so down it went. We also sent it to the garbage guy and plan to get a new one next summer.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Austin Personal Injury Attorney
It is really sad when you see people who have been hurt in a car accident and they suffer so much with the injuries they endure. They find that they can't hold down a job or that some everyday activities are even hard to accomplish. Not only the suffering from the injuries do they endure each day but also the expenses that are incurred because of the accident. The insurance companies do what they can but also look out for themselves. If you find that you are someone in this predicament then you should call a Austin personal injury attorney because they are there to represent people like you. They want to get you the compensation you deserve and help you go on with your life. Give them a call today.
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
I was paid for this post. I have given my honest opinion and was not swayed in any way.
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
I was paid for this post. I have given my honest opinion and was not swayed in any way.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Heat Wave
The heat wave is finally over. I think we had a straight month of intense heat and humidity. The last couple of days have been so amazing. We have been able to shut off our air conditioner and open up windows. It has actually gotten a little chilly in the mornings but it feels refreshing. I'm not ready for fall yet but this is sure a nice break.
Top 10 Bookshelf Speakers
Do you like your music loud when your playing it? I sure do and I want some really good speakers to put out the music and the bass when I am playing my stereo. But sometimes speakers are too large. I prefer smaller ones that can sit on a bookshelf or somewhere where they won't take up a lot of space. When searching for something like this I like to use the Internet to find the top 10 bookshelf speakers so that I can know I am getting the best.
La Gloria Cubana
I am not too familiar with cigars. I remember as a child that my dad would smoke a cigar once in awhile. I always thought the smell of cigars smelled so sweet. I have heard that la gloria cubana are premium handmade cigars. These cigars are rich in flavor and heritage. Like many things on the Internet you can find these cigars at a discounted price. So this is the place to look for them if you desire to own some.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Yoga Mats
There are a lot of people who are really into yoga. They say it is a great way to relax and also helps in losing weight. When I have seen people doing this they usually have yoga mats that they sit on. The Internet is the place to purchase these because you can find different colors, styles and prices.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Christmas Cards
It is hard to believe that we are over half way through this year already. It is unreal how fast time flies. I work with a gal who just told me the other day that she has begun Christmas shopping already. I know a lot of people try to do that. So if people are Christmas shopping then I suppose they are shopping for those special Christmas Cards that they want to send to friends and family. The internet is a great place to find cards like this. It beats going out and shopping for them plus you can buy them this early and have them when you are ready to start writing in them.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Won't be long and my family will be heading to Arkansas. We have rented a cabin and will be joining up with other family members from my husband's side to have a reunion. We plan to stay there 3 nights and we can't wait. It looks absolutely gorgeous there and we've heard it's by a river where they are planning a lot of water activities. Should be lots of fun.
Blu Cigs
Throughout my lifetime I have witnessed people in my family and acquaintances that have struggled to quit smoking. They enjoy it so much but know it is not good for their health. Some have had great success in quitting but just can't seem to kick the craving for the nicotine or they just enjoyed smoking. In this case there is another option to fill that craving and that would be to smoke an electronic cigarette. Blu cigs are an e-cigarette that comes in a starter kit. They are rechargeable and a person can purchase different flavors of cartridges to put into them. Each cartridge is the equivalency of a pack of cigarettes. People are finding they are able to smoke these most anywhere. They are enjoyed by many and love that they can have a safer alternative to smoking. If you find you are someone like this it may be worth looking into.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Last week we went and celebrated our youngest son's birthday with him and his brother. He turned 24. We celebrated by going to Huhot which is one of our favorite places to eat. We then headed to The Isle which is a casino where our oldest son works as a security officer. They were giving free Snuggle beach towels away to all of their members. So we walked away with 3 of them. It was a very fun day and we always love spending time with our boys.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Waterproof Digital Cameras
We are planning a trip to Hawaii with some friends this fall. They have been there several times and love to do a lot of water type excursions. They have gone snorkeling and scuba diving. When they have done this they come home with some pretty amazing under water pictures. Most likely they own a waterproof digital cameras to take this with. I think it is pretty amazing that the capabilities of taking pictures under water is pretty phenomenal.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Holiday Weekend
It is the 4th of July holiday weekend and I have to work again. It can't be helped but it gets kind of old missing out on this holiday once again. Maybe when I get home on the 4th, my husband and I can have a barbecue and catch some fireworks. That would probably help. I don't mean to complain because I am grateful for a job. I hope everyone has a wonderful July 4th celebration.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Taking over the place
Taking over the place
Guest post by Gerard Mcdaniel
I didn't know a thing about the business, but when dad decided he had to retire due to a medical issue, I was left with little choice but to take over the family company. It's a small furniture store, but there's a lot to consider when you are not running it all by yourself. I was pretty much terrified from the word go. I decided to do some updating first and foremost which meant buying a new inventory program for the computer which was hopefully going to streamline everything. Once that taking care of I decided it was finally time the store started accepting credit cards, so I did some research on sites like bank card processing to find out what an acceptable exchange rate was. Now I finally feel like the furniture store is in the new millennium and I have a feeling all loyal customers are really going to appreciate all my efforts. I have mom and dad both are really grateful I took over!
Guest post by Gerard Mcdaniel
I didn't know a thing about the business, but when dad decided he had to retire due to a medical issue, I was left with little choice but to take over the family company. It's a small furniture store, but there's a lot to consider when you are not running it all by yourself. I was pretty much terrified from the word go. I decided to do some updating first and foremost which meant buying a new inventory program for the computer which was hopefully going to streamline everything. Once that taking care of I decided it was finally time the store started accepting credit cards, so I did some research on sites like bank card processing to find out what an acceptable exchange rate was. Now I finally feel like the furniture store is in the new millennium and I have a feeling all loyal customers are really going to appreciate all my efforts. I have mom and dad both are really grateful I took over!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Mom and Dad
A couple of weeks ago we went to visit my folks. We took them out for dinner and then went back to their place to visit a little bit. I took my camera along because it had been awhile since any pictures had been taken with myself and them. I thought they turned out pretty well so I decided to post one on my blog.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Barcode Scanners
Technology has come a long way since I was a little girl. I remember when I would go shopping with my mom and it came time to check out the gal at the register had to push buttons to add in the cost of the items. Now if you walk into a store and go to the check out lanes everyone is using barcode scanners. Many of them are wireless so that if you have a large item they can just come over to your cart and scan it. It's pretty cool how it all works.
Party Invitations
It's summer time and a lot of things are going on. With holidays like July 4th or block parties, family reunions it's fun to throw parties to celebrate. Many people like to go all out when it comes to a special party. Maybe it's a theme party or just a time to get together and have fun. party invitations are a great way to let your friends and family know what the occasion is and when and where it will be held. There are a lot of cute invitations to fit any occasion.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Hydroxycut Side Effects
I have seen a lot of advertising about hydroxycut. I often wonder how well this product really works and if the advertisement is for real. I guess the best way to know about diet pills is to use the Internet to find out good information. That would be a great way to find out what the hydroxycut side effects would be and also the rating on how well it works.
Free Dating Online
My sons have used dating sites that are on the Internet. They have used free dating online because they don't have the money to pay the sites that want money for their services. It can really add up over time. I think it is great that sites like these are offered for free for people who want to meet someone but can't afford the ones that cost money.
Web Cameras
Around Christmas time I had purchased one of those web cameras so that I could talk to my sons online and they could see me. It is kind of funny to say but I actually used it for the first time the other day. It was so great because it was father's day and our sons couldn't be home to give their dad his gift so I gave it to him while we were using the camera so that our sons could see his reaction. Having a camera like this is going to be so fun and we can talk with other family and friends who live a long ways away.
UTV Power Steering
I have an aunt and uncle who own a couple of atvs. They are so much fun to ride. We have joked around about buying a couple of them ourselves. But sometimes you run into mechanical problems with them or utvs. Something like the atv or utv power steering having problems. Then they have to be replaced and that can be costly so that is where the Internet comes in handy. Often you can find a site that can help you buy parts like these a lot cheaper. It's worth looking in to.
Catalog Printing
Sometimes when I am looking at a catalog from a department store I wonder what it all entails to do catalog printing. I know when I print at home it can get costly because of the ink and paper that is involved. Can you imagine what it costs to do those large catalogs? Most likely they use the internet to find good deals on printing, at least I would hope so.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Springfield Beauty School
Regency Beauty Institute was founded in Minneapolis over 50 years ago. They have expanded from 2 schools in Minneapolis to 80 and counting over 19 states. These schools are a top of the line kind of school. They offer an excellent education and training. They have upscale salons to train their students in. Even through their training they offer discounted salon services to the public and are under expert supervision. When the student graduates, these schools like the Springfield beauty school, offer a placement program to help the students find the job they desire.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 1415 East Battlefield, Springfield, MO 65804
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 1415 East Battlefield, Springfield, MO 65804
Baby Birds
The other day I was stepping out on our deck and as soon as I closed the door a baby dove flew down by my feet. He then realized what he had done and flew down by our pool so I walked after him. Then I realized we had a baby black bird floating on top of our pool and he couldn't get out. So my husband rescued him and put him out in the grass where later he went away. Then I had to go back and see if the baby dove was okay and sure enough he was fine and soon flew out of the pool area. I just want to make sure that they are safe and okay.
On Monday I have an appointment to try acupuncture for the first time. I have dealt with pain in my back for such a long time and have never figured out a way to get relief. We recently found out that someone came to our town and opened up her own clinic. I am excited and hopeful that she will be able to help me and maybe finally I can be pain free.
Nikon Binoculars
It never fails whenever we go on a road trip we always make sure we have our binoculars with us. Actually we keep them in our vehicle at all times so we have them with us whenever we may need them. A good pair to own would be the Nikon binoculars. They are a quality item and would allow a person to see clearly what they are looking for.
Morgan Dollars for Sale
I have seen that their are many people who invest money into buying special coins. Coin collecting is a popular thing to do and I can see why. The Internet is a great place to find morgan dollars for sale and other coins. It's a great way to add to that special collection.
Oversized Banners
This past May we were invited to a couple of graduation open houses. As we approached these open houses we had noticed on one of them that they had one of those nice personalized oversized banners showing where the graduation open house was located. It was colorful, attractive and made it easy to see where the party was going to be. These banners are great for any occasion such as a baby shower, birthday, holiday or any type of special day.
Point of Care Carts
A couple of years ago I had to have some major surgery done. I had to be to the hospital bright and early to get ready. One of the first things they did was take me to my room and a nurse sat by one of the point of care carts and asked me several questions about my health etc. I was amazed at how much information these carts could hold and how they were so easy to transport from room to room because they have wheels on them. It amazes me how technology has grown so much. It's a great thing.
Feather Flags
Many times when we have driven around a city or larger town I may see a sign by a business or apartment building advertising either a month of free rent for the apartments or the name of a business or a special offer they may have for customers. I never knew till today the names of those advertising banners. They are called feather flags. For people who want to advertise in front of their business or rental properties this is a great idea. They are bright and eye catching.
Scanner Software
In business I can only imagine all the documents and important information that is needed to keep record on on the office computers. It is probably really important to have scanner software that can file each document in the category it needs to be in so that it can be easy to access and use. I don't work in an office but but husband does and I know the importance of having good software to handle all business information.
I have the day off today and I am enjoying just sitting around and doing some posting on my blog because we have a day full of rain and thunderstorms. Days like this causes me to lose ambition to do anything. I should be cleaning house or something productive but I just can't seem to get that get up and go feeling. Oh well, I think I deserve a day like this every once in awhile.
Topamax Lawsuit
I have been hearing a lot lately about the effects that topamax has on newborn babies. It has been said that women who are pregnant and taking the drug Topamax are at risk of having their baby born with a cleft palate. This can be heartbreaking and can cause other problems for the child. Topamax is a drug that helps control convulsions caused by epilepsy and it is also given to people who suffer with migraines. The saddest part of this is that the baby is the one who suffers. If this is the case for you or someone you know you may want to contact O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949. They have highly trained staff to help you start a Topamax lawsuit. It's not your fault that these defects happened.
Helping Others
I know many elderly people because of where I work. I work at a retirement facility and have over the years helped residents with housekeeping, laundry and also driving them to doctor appointments. That's what I did today. I took a gal over to the eye doctor and sat there for about 2 hours. It makes me feel good to help others and I also get paid for my services. She was very appreciative and I was glad to help her.
Baby Bunny
The other evening my husband and I were sitting and watching television together and suddenly my husband said to look out the window because he saw a baby bunny hopping up to our deck. I jumped up and saw how cute he was. I attempted to go outside and get some pictures but of him but of course he was scared and kept hopping away. Finally got a picture and he is hiding behind one of our bushes. I think it's pretty cute.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Topamax Birth Defects Lawyer
Sometimes a baby is born with a cleft lip or cleft palate. It is very sad to see your newborn with such a defect. They have problems being able to eat and often they even have trouble later on talking or having many ear infections. It is something that needs to be taken care of through surgery as soon as possible. If you took Topamax while pregnant, you should probably contact a Topamax Birth Defects Lawyer to find out if you have a case. Scientific studies have shown that Topamax is known to cause such birth defects. You want to get this birth defect taken care of as soon as possible for your child's sake. It can cause a number of problems including many ear infections and trouble speaking, as well as, problems eating which is very serious.
Monday, May 30, 2011
I have been on vacation since last Tuesday. It has been a very nice break from work. In this week I have been off we took a road trip to Texas to surprise our family down there and go to our great nephew's graduation party. We definitely surprised our niece. We made her cry. It was nice and hot down there too. Both days we were there it reached 100 degrees. We enjoyed it because where we live was only in the 50s and 60s. Tomorrow I go back to work. I have one day off out of 7 so I am very glad I had this stretch off from my job.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Lauren or Scotty
So who are you hoping wins American Idol tonight? I have voted for Lauren but to be honest with you, I like them both. I wouldn't be disappointed if Scotty wins. He seems like a really great guy and they are both equally talented. I just lean more toward Lauren because I enjoy listening to her more. I guess in a few hours we will find out the verdict.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Austin Personal Injury Lawyer
Accidents seem to happen all the time. Whether it be a bicycle accident or you slip and fall, or of course a vehicle accident. Any accident is bad especially when someone get hurt badly. And it is even worse when the accident was caused by another person or persons. Many times the person who has been injured deals with pain and suffering for many months if not years and the medical bills climb and get hard to pay. That is when it is necessary to contact attorneys like O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949. These experienced lawyers can meet you at a place and time that is convenient for you. They are there to solve any issue you may have. The Austin personal injury lawyer is experienced in personal injury and auto accident law.
American Idol
I was so excited last night when Haley finally went off the show. I have not been a fan of hers at all. She seemed to let the show go to her head and her behavior at times was not so good. My two favorite are in the finale. I am really hoping that Lauren wins but wouldn't be disappointed if Scotty won. Looking forward to seeing the final show next week.
Hair Loss Products
I have very fine hair and I often see women as they get older start to lose their hair or their hair thins out really bad. I am hoping I don't end up that way the older I get. If so, I would have to look into hair loss products to see if I could grow in new hair and thicken it up. This would be great for men too, who are beginning to go bald or just thinning out really bad.
Necklace Display
Have you ever gone into a nice jewelry store and see a beautiful necklace on a necklace display? It can give you a chance to see what it would look like on yourself. Maybe it would show to a person how far down it hangs and how the chain and pendant lay against your skin. It's a nice way to show off very elegant necklaces.
Monday, May 16, 2011
JMasta's Latest Song
JMasta is my youngest son and he has been busy creating music again. He recently released this song and I thought you might enjoy hearing it.
Here are the lyrics to the song:
Yes World,
Hey, I’m speakin to you,
Yes World,
You’re the one I’m talkin to,
Yes World,
You did hear correctly,
Yes World,
I’m gonna hit you quite directly,
Where it hurts,
‘Cause that’s what it takes to you get you on your knees,
In the dirt,
Is where your thoughts and philosophies need to be,
One nation under God,
Used to be but now it’s not,
One nation under God?
Used by sex, violence, flaws,
I’m sick and tired,
Of all your words, they’re so obscene,
It’s like we’re hired,
To kill, hate, lie, and bleed,
So now it’s time,
to raise your glass up a little higher,
But just remember,
Judgment comes from a higher power,
First of all,
You make me sick,
I can’t even hardly stand you,
Second of all,
It’s hard to think of all the things I hate about you,
Next in line,
I’mma treat you like the horror film you are,
Call me Freddy, Jason, Pinhead, even Michael Meyers,
I’m the Amityville Horror House,
I will make you go insane,
Fill your dirty minds with scripture,
Until your dirty dying day,
You will never see the light,
If you continue to believe,
That life is meant for pleasuring you,
Not the man on Calvary,
I’ve been sent to be completely honest about all of this,
And you’re not gonna like the words I say as I end upon this diss,
There’s a place that you will go and spend eternity someday,
It’s a place with lakes of fire you will not like I can truly say,
Your flesh will burn forever and the flame never put out,
And you will never be released no matter how loud you scream and shout,
The only way to escape eternal suffering and pain,
Is to stop and turn your life to Jesus, the Lamb who was slain!
Father God! I pray that this nation find you before it is too late, Lord.
That they find you before they are living, breathing, and experiencing fire for eternity, Jesus! Help them to open their eyes and see their mistakes, see their faults, and repent, Lord. I pray that You forgive them for what they do! Jesus, I ask that You open their eyes, open their hearts. Help them to come to you, Jesus, to the foot of the cross before it is too late. I pray this, Lord, in Your name, in the precious name, of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Here are the lyrics to the song:
Yes World,
Hey, I’m speakin to you,
Yes World,
You’re the one I’m talkin to,
Yes World,
You did hear correctly,
Yes World,
I’m gonna hit you quite directly,
Where it hurts,
‘Cause that’s what it takes to you get you on your knees,
In the dirt,
Is where your thoughts and philosophies need to be,
One nation under God,
Used to be but now it’s not,
One nation under God?
Used by sex, violence, flaws,
I’m sick and tired,
Of all your words, they’re so obscene,
It’s like we’re hired,
To kill, hate, lie, and bleed,
So now it’s time,
to raise your glass up a little higher,
But just remember,
Judgment comes from a higher power,
First of all,
You make me sick,
I can’t even hardly stand you,
Second of all,
It’s hard to think of all the things I hate about you,
Next in line,
I’mma treat you like the horror film you are,
Call me Freddy, Jason, Pinhead, even Michael Meyers,
I’m the Amityville Horror House,
I will make you go insane,
Fill your dirty minds with scripture,
Until your dirty dying day,
You will never see the light,
If you continue to believe,
That life is meant for pleasuring you,
Not the man on Calvary,
I’ve been sent to be completely honest about all of this,
And you’re not gonna like the words I say as I end upon this diss,
There’s a place that you will go and spend eternity someday,
It’s a place with lakes of fire you will not like I can truly say,
Your flesh will burn forever and the flame never put out,
And you will never be released no matter how loud you scream and shout,
The only way to escape eternal suffering and pain,
Is to stop and turn your life to Jesus, the Lamb who was slain!
Father God! I pray that this nation find you before it is too late, Lord.
That they find you before they are living, breathing, and experiencing fire for eternity, Jesus! Help them to open their eyes and see their mistakes, see their faults, and repent, Lord. I pray that You forgive them for what they do! Jesus, I ask that You open their eyes, open their hearts. Help them to come to you, Jesus, to the foot of the cross before it is too late. I pray this, Lord, in Your name, in the precious name, of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Fayetteville Beauty School
Fayetteville beauty school is a cosmetology school that provides top of the line education and training. This school mirrors an upscale salon type atmosphere and prepares students for a career that make them successful.
There are many young people who are graduating from high school right now who are considering a future in cosmetology. This school would be one to consider attending because it is known to be a cut above others. While attending this school the student will learn all that is needed to know about the beauty business. Classes start soon and continue new classes each month. If you can't go full time they also have part time and evening classes to help make it work for you. Another great thing about attending this school is that they have a replacement program to help you find a job once you have graduated. What a wonderful thing to have.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 4107 Steele Boulevard – Fayetteville, AR 72703
There are many young people who are graduating from high school right now who are considering a future in cosmetology. This school would be one to consider attending because it is known to be a cut above others. While attending this school the student will learn all that is needed to know about the beauty business. Classes start soon and continue new classes each month. If you can't go full time they also have part time and evening classes to help make it work for you. Another great thing about attending this school is that they have a replacement program to help you find a job once you have graduated. What a wonderful thing to have.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 4107 Steele Boulevard – Fayetteville, AR 72703
Hot then Cold
The other day we had summer type weather. It reached close to 100 degrees one day. It was hot and humid and I loved it. Then a day later it felt like fall and still does. It's crazy to wear shorts and a summer top and running the air conditioner and then the next day we have to turn the furnace back on. Very strange weather but then we do live in Iowa and it is unpredictable.
MegaMeeting Webinar Software
In business there are times when executives or employees are required to hold web conferences. When that happens it is important that the business is set up to have a good connection and some program that runs smoothly so that the business at hand can be done correctly and efficiently. MegaMeeting Webinar Software is a reliable system that is worth checking into. They even offer a free trial time to test it out.
Emergency Medical Assistance
It is that time of year when people are heading out on a road trip or taking their campers out to do some camping. But when they are doing this and some medical emergency happened what would they do? That's when it is a good idea to make sure you are prepared for emergency medical assistance. You don't want to take any chances of not getting the help you need if something happened.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mother's Day
Sunday is mother's day and I have to work. I'm kind of bummed about it because I get stuck working every mother's day. It would be nice if I could once have it off so I could go spend it with my mom. She understands but as she gets older I feel it's important to spend those special days with my parents if I can. My mom is special to me and has been a great mom throughout the years. I pray she has a wonderful Mother's Day.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Diet Pills That Work
Have you ever been tempted to try some kind of diet pills? I know I have because I think it would speed up the process of losing the weight I want to get rid of. But then I wonder which ones really work. So that is where the Internet comes in handy. There I can search and find sites that tell me which diet pills that work. I don't have to waste my money on products that are worthless. It's also a good way to read up on these pills and see how they can affect you by taking them.
Car Show
On Sunday our boys had invited us to come over to where they live and we will go to church together first. Then we may go to the casino where our oldest son works and indulge in their Sunday brunch buffet. They have some pretty delicious food there. After that the Casino is hosting a big car show and we plan to stay for that. I am excited because it sounds like a lot of fun and it's a great day out with my family.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Bad Realtors Everywhere
Bad Realtors Everywhere
Authored by Leandro Delgado
Real estate is a very competitive market, particularly here in San Francisco. There are only so many buyers out there in a market like this one so all the realtors in the area are really cutthroat when it comes to marketing themselves. For example, I heard a story about a realtor in a different neighborhood than my own who got into a battle with another over web domains! How silly is something like thatï¾…as if a domain really determines how much business a realtor gets. Another horror story detailed how one realtor literally crashed another's open house, bringing tons of booklets advertising her own properties and trying to poach the clients right ! from that first realtor's showing! I would never imagine doing any of those crazy things I hear about but if business gets any worse, I'm going to have to come up with something! Thankfully my up and up marketing tactics seem to be working for now, so I'm going to stay above the fray until absolutely necessary. I'm not that kind of realtor!
Authored by Leandro Delgado
Real estate is a very competitive market, particularly here in San Francisco. There are only so many buyers out there in a market like this one so all the realtors in the area are really cutthroat when it comes to marketing themselves. For example, I heard a story about a realtor in a different neighborhood than my own who got into a battle with another over web domains! How silly is something like thatï¾…as if a domain really determines how much business a realtor gets. Another horror story detailed how one realtor literally crashed another's open house, bringing tons of booklets advertising her own properties and trying to poach the clients right ! from that first realtor's showing! I would never imagine doing any of those crazy things I hear about but if business gets any worse, I'm going to have to come up with something! Thankfully my up and up marketing tactics seem to be working for now, so I'm going to stay above the fray until absolutely necessary. I'm not that kind of realtor!
Onion Rings
Tonight we are meeting up with some friends to go eat the best onion rings around. The little place we get them at is called the Villager. These onion rings are yummy thin onions in deep fat fried batter. They kind of stick together but are so amazing. I can hardly wait.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Topamax Lawsuit
Birth defects in babies can be so difficult to deal with. Thankfully I never had anything like that with my babies. I feel so bad for the parents that have to go through this and especially the babies that live with defects such as a cleft lip or cleft palate. Recently it has been said that their is a Topamax lawsuit because they are linking this drug to the cause of these types of defects in babies. If you are someone who is going through the exact same thing as I am talking about then it is important for you to contact O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949 because they know it is not your fault or the child's fault for these defects to happen. They will help you get the compensation you deserve and need.
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Car Hunting
My husband and I are looking for a second vehicle. We have been so surprised at the cost of used cars. It's ridiculous! Most of the time they have high miles to get anything under $10,000. Not sure what we are going to do but I know I want something that will be easier on gas.
I started this week with trying to drink as much water as possible. I think physically I feel better. I can't really explain it. The only negative is having to visit the restroom often. I even got on the scale this morning and found that I have lost 2 pounds and this is only day 4. I know we are suppose to drink 8-10 glasses but sometimes it is really tough to do.
Topamax Lawsuit
I recently heard about the Topamax lawsuit that is going on. They are finding there is a link between pregnant mothers and them taking Topamax that has been causing birth defects such as a cleft lip or cleft palate in the newborn babies. This is heart breaking for the parents of these babies and the pain and agony that the parents and child go through has to be tremendous. O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949, these are attorneys that can help you if you are dealing with a situation like this. They will give you a free consultation and they are equipped with highly trained staff. Get the help you deserve.
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I am a big fan of Survivor. I like the way the show has been going this season but I do feel for young Matt who has spent most of his time on Redemption Island. I admire his strength in the Lord and what he has endured. I like Rob but I think his head is getting way to big. I think he may hurt himself in the end when people finally realize that he could win the game and that they might want to get him sent home. It will continue to be very interesting to watch.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sales Jobs
My husband has a great job and he enjoys it very much. But one thing many people have told him is that he would do great at any kind of sales jobs. He just has a way of talking people into buying something. I've seen him in action many times when we have tried to sell something ourselves.
Food Fair
Tomorrow my husband and I are going to the annual food fair. We are able to attend because my husband manages a retirement residence and we buy most of our food from this company. They can be a lot of fun to go to. We get chances to try different foods and even have a chance at winning prizes. Lots of times we've come home with many free items for us to enjoy. It should be a great day.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Document Management Solutions
Are you someone who owns a business and you need to have a reliable document management solutions website to produce scans of your documents that are high quality? You can find such a website online that will be able to do that for you or provide document management software systems that you can do yourself. You can save money by doing this.
Medicare Supplement Plans
My brother in law recently switched over from disability to medicare and my husband had to research several medicare supplement plans to determine which would be best for my brother in law and his situation. He finally came to a decision and seems to be very pleased with it.
Neoprene Knee Sleeve
My son spends a lot of time on his feet at work and he has one knee that really hurts him at times. It gets so painful for him that it is hard to continue working and that doesn't work well for what he does. I have mentioned to him before that he should consider looking into purchasing a neoprene knee sleeve. I think it would help support his knee and would prevent it from hurting so much.
Ashton Cigars
When I was younger my dad would smoke pipes and cigars. I really didn't mind it so much when he would smoke those because they had a sweet smell to them unlike cigarettes do. I know there are probably several different kinds of cigars but I wonder if he ever smoked ashton cigars. I guess that's something I should ask him sometime.
XBox Games
Our sons have a couple of different game consoles that they really enjoy. I think it is my oldest son that has an xbox and he plays it all the time. I know on many Christmas wish lists he would have several ideas for different xbox games. It made it easy for us as we shopped for him because we knew he would not be disappointed in his gifts he received from us.
8g Ipod Nano
My youngest son loves music and he can spend hours just listening to his favorite songs. When we have gone on vacation he will sit in the back of the vehicle and have ear phones in most of the trip. When I think about it I know he would love an 8g ipod nano because he would have a lot of storage space to put all of his music on. He could also enjoy watching his favorite videos too. That might be a great gift idea for him.
Best Multivitamin for Women
I take several different vitamins each day. I have a specific reason why I take each one and my doctor has told me how these vitamins can really help me in improving my health and well being. But I often wonder what would be the best multivitamin for women to take instead of taking individual vitamins. I may look into that and cut down to taking on pill a day instead of several different ones.
Colonix Reviews
Colon cleansers are known to help clean out the crevasses in a person's colon and in turn it help reduce fatigue and weight gain that this build up can cause. It can help make a person feel so much better. I recently read colonix reviews and was impressed on how it can help the health of a colon and that this product is fiber based. It is so important that we keep our colons cleansed and healthy.
Weight Loss Pills that Work
I have seen many types of diet pills advertised and often wonder if they are really something that can help a person lose weight. weight loss pill that works can be found online and they can help you choose what is the right pills for you. Like any kind of pills or diet aids, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor before taking any.
Adult Acne
Not only do young people deal with blemishes and pimples but adult acne can be common among older people. Can you imagine how frustrating that has to be for people who are not teens anymore and haven't been for some time? Surely they are looking for help to get rid of the problem and luckily there are ways to get rid of the acne.
Acne Remedies
It can be very frustrating to deal with acne. I know when I was younger I hated having pimples and blemishes on my face and had a hard time covering them up. Today there are many options to good acne remedies. It is worth looking into so you don't have to deal with that anymore.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Photo Frame Gifts for Her
I have a lot of female friends that love to take pictures. I am like that too. When we go on vacation or get together with family I love taking pictures and then putting them in frames. I would guess that a lot of my friends and family are the same way. That is why I think giving photo frame gifts for her and him are great ideas. They can share their favorite photos to all who visit their homes.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I have really noticed in the last couple of weeks how much the buds are coming out on the trees and bushes. I love it because it means winter is behind us. Although we did have some flurries today but at least if we do get any snow it won't last. Now to get the grass turning green and it will be looking more like summer. I can't wait!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
HGH Reviews
If you are someone who has considered using a hgh supplement but are not too sure about how it works or how it could affect you then you should take some time and read hgh reviews. These are very helpful in understanding what hgh reviews are all about. Don't jump into taking something that you are not familiar with until you know all you can know about the supplement.
Tren Xtreme reviews
As with any diet pills, anyone who is interested in taking any of these should really look into what these pills can do to you. Find out how safe they are and what the possible side effects could be. For example reading tren xtreme reviews will be an eye opener as to what ingredients are in these pills and that they can be dangerous to take. Please be cautious and research these type of pills.
Cellular Booster
I have had family members come to visit us and when they go to use their cell phones they seem to have very little good reception. It can be frustrating especially when they are trying to make calls or receive calls that are important. Something they could consider getting is a cellular booster which would help boost their reception greatly. Many are using these and it's working great for them.
Electronic Pickpocketing
It is really something these days as to how people get ripped off and their credit and debit card numbers can be stolen so easily. Have you heard of electronic pickpocketing? This is really happening to people. Thieves are taking a device that can actually read your personal information right off your credit cards, etc. without touching your wallet or purse. That is pretty scary stuff. But you can be safe because there are products made that you can purchase to put your personal items in so that the thieves cannot get access to them. Be sure and take caution and protect yourself.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Pirate Show
At the Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas they have a pirate show every evening starting at 8:30. So we went to check it out one night. It was good but it had changed a lot since 1996. That was the last time we had seen it with our boys. Everything about Vegas seems to be related to sexual content. Even the pirate show. Sure all the lights and smoke and shooting of guns was fun to see but the story itself was disappointing. Vegas is not the place for Christians to spend much time at.
Puriteam Water
Where we live we have awful tasting tap water. I hear everyone complaining about it because it is so bad. We often buy bottled water to drink and it bothers me to do that because the bottles and jugs fill our landfills unless they are recycled which we do. But did you know that bottled water is actually filtered tap water? It is true and in that case why not buy a Puriteam countertop water filter. You will filter great tasting drinking water for 3 years before you have to change the filter. That is pretty amazing. The filter housing on this product is also guaranteed for life. What a great way to save you money, have drinking water available all the time and also to save on our planet.

Fremont Street
On our vacation to Las Vegas we took the bus to Fremont Street at least three times. It is located on the north end of the strip and we were staying on the south end. We had heard that it had a canopy over the top of about three blocks and at night it was all lit up with music playing. Fremont Street is the original Las Vegas Strip. It was very amazing to see and was extra fun to see the original signs and hotels located there. And on top of it I won $20 with a nickle spin. That was fun!
Trials and Faith
All of us go through trials and tribulations in our lives and when we do I can only imagine that we wonder why it is happening. I know that is the case for me. I am so thankful that God is in my life and they I can turn to him for anything. Yesterday as I was reading devotions I read about people going through trials and that the end result isn't what is most important to God but the journey to get there. It is when God sees what truly is in our hearts and how we deal with the tests that are put in front of us. I know for myself and my family we lean more then ever on our heavenly father to get us through whatever it is we are being tried with.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Cash Advance Online
Have you ever found yourself in a predicament where you need cash right away? Maybe your car broke down and you have no way to get to work and you need to get it repaired but you don't have the money to do it because it's not payday yet. You can now get a cash advance online. There are many lenders ready to get you the cash you need when you need it.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Snow Again?
We've been enjoying temperatures above freezing lately and it has melted the snow away but this morning I woke up to snow all over the ground again and it just keeps on snowing. Everywhere you look, it is white. They are saying we are in for even more in the next couple of days. I guess it is a good reminder that winter is not over yet.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Grand Canyon
This past week we took a trip out to Vegas. We also took a day trip to the south rim in the Grand Canyon. We rode a very comfortable bus and were fed a simple breakfast and a nice buffet lunch. We then headed to the Canyon where it was quite chilly and very windy. The Grand Canyon was as beautiful as I remembered when we were there in 1997. We took lots of pictures and had a great time.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Colon Cleanser
I have heard it is important to keep you colon as clean as possible. This will help prevent different issues that can occur with your colon such as cancer. A colon cleanser is known to help clean it out and keep it healthier. Probably something to really consider doing.
Natural Male Enhancement
It is important to some males that they can be enhanced. Maybe it's important to their partner too so if you are someone who has considered taking something to help in this then you should probably consider a natural male enhancement product. Better to be safe then sorry.
Diet Pill Reviews
This time of year is hard for a lot of people as far as weight loss goes. Especially for the ones who live in colder climates because it is hard to get out and be active. Using diet pills could probably help aid in losing weight but before taking any it is wise to read diet pill reviews to know exactly what you are taking, side effects and possibly the costs. Be sure to educate yourself before taking any diet pills.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Xerox Phaser 6180
I would guess most offices probably have some sort of printers. I know my husband has one in his office and occasionally he finds himself looking for a new cartridge for it. Online is a great place to find good prices on cartridges for printers like xerox phaser 6180. Often you can find better deals when you purchase more then one in a package. It's worth checking out websites that sell these items.
For vacations, special occasions or holidays it is great when someone has a camcorder to record the event. camcorders come in handy for so many reasons. I have used our for birthdays, graduations, and holidays. We take ours with us for all of our vacations. It is fun to have the memories from each of these special occasions.
My Boys
I'm sitting here in my boy's apartment and we are watching Storage Wars. What a great show. We had a great dinner together that I made and then went and did a little shopping. It's been a fun evening and now to chill out and get ready for bed to start another fun day.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Getting the Kids Ready to go Back to School
Getting the Kids Ready to go Back to School
Written by my friend Teodoro Martin
Getting my kids ready for their return to school was no easy task. They've had a very long and extended vacation that has removed their thoughts from the school routine. However, a little reverse psychology worked in my favor. Any chance I got I would capitalize on it when my kids mentioned how much they didn't miss school, or how not eager they were at returning. I did this by mentioning the fun things that they were missing out on by not being at school, like time with their friends and the fun field trips that they would go on. I took this time to go further by saying that the new school year would be filled with even more fun-filled activities as their teachers were missing them and preparing for their return. This got their minds thinking and soon they would remind me of other things that they also missed. A group discussion soon ensued and before you know it, it was a hot topic for all of us. They soon began to mention their expectations of school themselves and their plans for the new season. These topics were brought up more and more as the school season would grow closer to being in session. By the time it was actually here, my kids woke up early and prepared themselves for their return with much eagerness. After setting the ADT security alarm, we were all out of the house and on our way and all I could think about was the quiet time I had to look forward to.
Written by my friend Teodoro Martin
Getting my kids ready for their return to school was no easy task. They've had a very long and extended vacation that has removed their thoughts from the school routine. However, a little reverse psychology worked in my favor. Any chance I got I would capitalize on it when my kids mentioned how much they didn't miss school, or how not eager they were at returning. I did this by mentioning the fun things that they were missing out on by not being at school, like time with their friends and the fun field trips that they would go on. I took this time to go further by saying that the new school year would be filled with even more fun-filled activities as their teachers were missing them and preparing for their return. This got their minds thinking and soon they would remind me of other things that they also missed. A group discussion soon ensued and before you know it, it was a hot topic for all of us. They soon began to mention their expectations of school themselves and their plans for the new season. These topics were brought up more and more as the school season would grow closer to being in session. By the time it was actually here, my kids woke up early and prepared themselves for their return with much eagerness. After setting the ADT security alarm, we were all out of the house and on our way and all I could think about was the quiet time I had to look forward to.
My Boys
Tomorrow after I get off from work I am driving a couple of hours to go stay with my boys. We are going to pig out and stay up late. Then on Thursday we are going to do some shopping, hit pawn shops and Goodwills. We will also eat good food and maybe go see a movie. We have a great time together and I am really looking forward to it.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
My husband occasionally puts on a suit and gets all dressed up for work or church. He looks pretty sharp when he chooses one of his nice looking ties to go with it. I think it is also fun when he wears a tie that goes with a holiday or a sports theme. There are a lot of pretty sharp looking ties around.
Las Vegas
Won't be long and we will be taking a trip to Las Vegas. We are going with my brother and sister in law. They haven't had a vacation in several years so this will be fun for them. We plan to take a Hoover Dam tour and hopefully take a day and go to the Grand Canyon. Hopefully the weather will be gorgeous and not too chilly.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dog Outfits
I love animals of all kind and I hate it when I see that animals are abused and hurting. How can anyone do that to a creature with such love to give? It breaks my heart. There is a wonderful place that rescues these abandoned and neglected dogs from California and they take them to Canada where they find them an owner who will love and take good care of them. One way they can support the costs of these flights is by selling dog outfits. Their website has cute outfits such as a hoodie for your dog. They also have dog life jackets so that if you take your pet out on a boat while you are fishing or just enjoying yourself you know that he will be safe no matter what. The cool thing about buying these items is that all the proceeds go toward these flights to rescue dogs.
Highlights and Haircut
It has been a couple of months since I have had anything done to my hair. I went in today to get some highlights and low lights put in my hair and also got a haircut. I feel like a new woman! It feels so good to have my hair looking and feeling better.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Clawfoot Tubs
My brother in law has lived in the family home since he was small. They still have their original clawfoot tub in their bathroom. The cool thing about clawfoot tubs is that they still make them. I think they had a certain style to a bathroom and I guess I really like that look.
IPhone Accessories
I do not own an iphone but I know a couple of people who do. They are pretty cool and with an iphone it is nice to have Iphone accessories such as a car charger or a charging dock. For me a car charger is important because there are times when my battery is lower then anticipated and I head down the road and realize my battery is dying. So, that car charger comes in real handy.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Shake Weight
I went out and bought me the new Shake Weight this weekend. I was anxious to try it so I used it for awhile yesterday. I felt fine but in the night I noticed that my shoulder was in a lot of pain. It was shooting pain down my arm at times. I don't know what I did but I'm sure it's from that new Shake Weight. It's not just muscle pain either.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Carhartt Outerwear
If you are someone who is looking for some great, wearable clothing for daily use and also for work and safety clothing then consider buying Carhartt Outerwear. The clothing they make is highly durable and wear for a long time. I know of several men that have chosen this brand of clothing because the clothing holds up so well. They also make great footwear like steel toe boots made by Timberland Pro. These are so nice for construction type jobs, protection is so important.
Military coats are another great item to own for people who have outdoor jobs where the climate is very cold. It is important to be able to stay safe and warm. These coats are made for the extreme cold and would be perfect for any outside activity.
Military coats are another great item to own for people who have outdoor jobs where the climate is very cold. It is important to be able to stay safe and warm. These coats are made for the extreme cold and would be perfect for any outside activity.
American Idol
American Idol started last night and I've been torn as to if I want to watch it this season. The reason is because of the changes in judges. I do like J Lo so she's the reason I am going to give it a chance. I am beginning to watch it right now and I think it will be good.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Custom Labels
Have you ever wondered where certain custom labels come from that we find on appliances or other electrical items? They could be a warning label or name plate that pertains to the usage of a certain item. They could be put there for your own safety and protection while using the item. I found out recently that there is a company who has a website online who makes these types of labels and name plates for items such as these and they also make them for military items. These labels are used to help understand how to operate a weapons system. Paying attention to these labels and name plates are very important. If you know of someone with a company that uses labels or name plates that I am talking about it, it would be worth checking into a company like I have found.
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Despicable Me
Best Fat Burners
I am interested in losing some weight after eating more then I should have over the holidays so I did some looking on the internet and found a very informative website that listed the best fat burners available. It helped me understand what they could do for me and explained how each fat burner worked. It was quite helpful.
Which Diet Pills Work Best
Are you like me and wonder which diet pills work best? I often think about using diet pills to help me drop some extra weight but then I really don't know which ones work the best. It is a good idea to do research and use the Internet to compare and learn more about these types of pills.
Cheapest Auto Insurance
We have three automobiles that we keep car insurance on. As you can imagine that adds up quickly and can get expensive. So it is important to us to make sure we can get the cheapest auto insurance available but still have decent coverage. The Internet is a great place to compare different insurance without spending a lot of time.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Makita Batteries
There are a lot of items that use different kinds of batteries. Such as remotes to our televisions, hearing aids or even a watch. Sometimes it is hard to find certain types of batteries for when we need them. That is why the Internet is so great because you can find makita batteries, hearing aid batteries, you name it. It is so convenient and you don't have to drive all over looking for them.
Compare Smoketip and Greensmoke
Every once in awhile I run across products that I have never heard about and recently I heard about the electronic cigarette. I am amazed at what is created and for smokers this could be a good deal. If you are interested in finding out more you can access information online and this is were you can compare smoketip and greensmoke and learn the difference between the two.
Plans Changed
Because of blowing snow our plans had to change tonight. We were planning on driving about two hours to meet with other family members tonight to have dinner together. We started out and it was clear then we came to a spot in the road where it was a complete white out. We decided to turn around and call and cancel our get together. It was very disappointing.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Austin Probate Attorneys
Austin, Texas is where you can find a good Austin Probate lawyer who is there for people who have lost loved ones. They can help assist you through the probate system. They can do this without a big financial burden.
An Austin will lawyer can assist you in getting your loved one's will written up or one for yourself so you are prepared if something happens. A will is very important to have to protect your loved ones.
Also, an Austin estate lawyer is ready to help you deal with everything that has to do with your estate. They make sure everything is in order so that if death does occur you will have everything arranged and updated.
If you would like to have an Austin attorney contact you it is as simple as filling out a short form on their website and they will get back to you as soon as possible. Planning your estate and will is a very important thing to do and with attorneys from the Butler Firm you will get excellent help and service from dedicated attorneys.
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
An Austin will lawyer can assist you in getting your loved one's will written up or one for yourself so you are prepared if something happens. A will is very important to have to protect your loved ones.
Also, an Austin estate lawyer is ready to help you deal with everything that has to do with your estate. They make sure everything is in order so that if death does occur you will have everything arranged and updated.
If you would like to have an Austin attorney contact you it is as simple as filling out a short form on their website and they will get back to you as soon as possible. Planning your estate and will is a very important thing to do and with attorneys from the Butler Firm you will get excellent help and service from dedicated attorneys.
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Monday, January 3, 2011
We decided this past Christmas that we would purchase our oldest son a new laptop for a Christmas gift. He isn't able to buy one himself and his other one is quite old. We found a great deal on black Friday and he absolutely loves it. We also paid equally on our youngest son's laptop so they should be set for awhile for computers we hope. We also reminded them that Christmas won't always be like this. :)
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