Thursday, December 30, 2010
Accutane Lawsuit
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Family Fun
Christmas Day
We had so much fun on our Christmas day. We had lots of gifts to share, good food and playing games. My husband even found time to go sit on the patio by a fire. It was cold too! I think it was about 15 degrees but he was bound and determined to sit by the fire that afternoon. I say, "Good for him!"
Regency Beauty Institute
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051
Monday, December 27, 2010
Network Cable
Hinkley Lighting
Frosty Trees
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Buy Gold Bullion
Busy for Christmas
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Low Car Insurance

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Two Steps Stools
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Buy Gold Coins
Working Weekend
Buy Gold Bullion
College Graduation
Buy Gold
Friday, December 10, 2010
Acne Cream
Christmas Music
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Branson Vacations Packages
Monday, November 22, 2010
Car Insurance Rates
Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Buy Gold Bullion
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
OBX Rentals
Security Cameras
Branson Vacations
RV Insurance Quote
Family Time
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Cyberpowerpc Coupons
Apple Bottom
Industrial Computer
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Gold Bullion
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Ice Road Truckers
Dancing With The Stars
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Heat Register
Monday, November 1, 2010
Christmas Shopping
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Calm Night
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tennis is My Passion
Tennis is My Passion
Guest post from: Bruno Smith
Playing tennis is my passion. I have been playing tennis ever since I was a junior in high school. I am now 53 years old and still play tennis on a regular basis. Tennis has helped keep my looking very young. I am losing my hair, but physically I look much better than many people in my age category.
I use to play a lot of tennis with my wife. We would gather up our tennis equipment, set our homeAlarm systems and the leave for the tennis courts. Usually we would play at the local gym where they have some indoor courts but during the summer we will play at one of the many outdoor tennis courts they have around town.
My wife and I ran into enough problems with our relationship that we decided to get a divorce. Even though we are now divorced we still play tennis together a few times each month. We don't play tennis with each other as much as we use to, but I still relish the time we have together. We seem to hate each other unless we are playing tennis or talking about tennis.
Playing tennis is a great way to meet new people, especially if you travel to any amateur tennis tournaments that are held. I like most people but all of my friends and acquaintances respect the fact that tennis is my main priority in life.
Cold Morning!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Christmas Wreaths
HGH Releaser
How to Lose Belly Fat
Acne Treatment
Become an Affliliate
Payday Advance Loans
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
DuPuy Lawsuit
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Air Conditioner Boxes
Hip Recall Lawyer
Also, if you have been in a bad truck accident and are daily suffering from with the pain contact a Texas Truck Accident Attorney.
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Chen's Garden
Friday, October 22, 2010
Gold Bullion
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tac Towels
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Gold Bar
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.
Biker Mama
My Dreams Came True!
My Dreams Came True!
Thanks for the article from Maxine Taylor
Today was was the best day of my life! I got to see a Nascar race and I have been waiting to attend one since I wass 10. It was just me who went, my wife and daughter stayed home to bake cookies for a school function. I left the house in a rush, but set the home security alarm from home systems HOME SECURITY SYSTEMS TX before I got in the car. I drove almost 80mph the whole way there and got there in less than 30 minutes. The stadiums were packed and the parking lots were almost full. I'm lucky I got there just in time. I bolted out of the car and practically ran to my seat, hoping that the race would start sometime soon. It was about 20 minutes after I sat down that the cars started flying around the speedway and people started screaming. The race was amazing all and all and I am hoping to make it a routine of going there at least once a month. Hopefully my wife will let me make this happen. Im not to sure how well it will go over with her.

Last night we returned home from our trip to Florida. The weather was absolutely perfect and there was no humidity while we were there. That's pretty good for Florida. We spent time on the beach and also went to Biketoberfest which was held in Daytona Beach. I've never seen so many motorcycles ever. It was pretty crazy.
Christmas Present Ideas for Kids
Glucosamine Chondroitin msm
Web Directories
Friday, October 8, 2010
Discount Cigars Sale
Texting While Driving

I have a real problem with people who text while they are driving. They don't realize the danger it can cause. I've heard many stories as to people losing their lives because the driver involved just had to send a text. The ones texting are not thinking of others when doing so and that upsets me. Please stop texting while driving if you are someone who does this.
Down to NOLA
Down to NOLA
Guest post written by William Miller
Walking down the streets of New Orleans is unlike anything my wife and I have ever experienced. The French Quarter is really something to see. ItÂ’s also a lot fun to watch all the revelers, and thereÂ’s tons of great sights and sounds. There really is something inherently fun about this place. Even though parts of the city can seem a little seedy at times; there is a definite charm here.
One of the special things about this city is that it itÂ’s been dubbed the birthplace of jazz. On just about every street in the Quarter, thereÂ’s a club or a restaurant that hosts live jazz. There are even makeshift bands that come together and blare out live jazz in the streets. IÂ’m really glad I brought my new HearingAids; otherwise I might have missed out on some of this excellent music!
New Orleans is a place to really let loose and weÂ’re doing just that. Perhaps tonight weÂ’ll make our way to Bourbon Street and show this city just how vibrant we really are.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Seth's Birthday
I Choose to Volunteer at My Child's School
I Choose to Volunteer at My Child's School
Thanks for the post, Arthur Lawrence
I volunteer at my child's school once a week; our schools are sadly understaffed and are in desperate need of volunteers. I help with grading papers, reading with the kids and planning parties the class has. I don't mind helping out, this way I get to see the interaction between my child and her teacher. I can see how she is interacting with the rest of her class, who her friends are and how well she is behaving and if she is doing well in class.
My daughter is always excited to see me at her school, she introduces me to her friends and I have been able to get to know them better. By volunteering I can check the school supplies and let other parents know if the school is in need of materials. I am very fortunate that my schedule allows me to help out at the school when I am needed.
I have enjoyed getting to know my child's teacher; I trust her teaching ability and am confident in her professional skills. The community in which I live have been very generous with their time; our school has had the volunteers it's needed to ensure our children are taken care of.
I always make sure that I set my adt home alarm before leaving my house to volunteer at my child's school.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Fire Pit
The other night it was so gorgeous outside. The winds were calm and the temperature was slightly cooler. My husband and I decided it would be a good time to sit by a fire in our fire pit. It was perfect because the heat felt good and there was no wind to blow the smoke in our faces. It was very relaxing.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.
Monday's Golf Trip
Content by Kyle Lowe
So I had a weeks vacation (with pay) two weeks ago, I was really excited to go camping and most of all go on a Golf trip on Monday to Sedona. I had everything packed, my lights were shot off, my dog was at the sitters and the home security alarm installed by adt brinks was set. Everything was just right and the anticipation set in quickly. It was an hour drive to Sedona but it was great I had my buddy Dave upfront with me and Chris and Charlie in the back. We reminisced the whole ride there and stopped at a bar for a quick drink to spice things up a little. As soon as we arrived in AZ at the Sedona course, we fled the truck and headed straight towards the green. This course was awesome and the view was even better. I can't even remember now how many pictures I took down there, but we'll just say my wife is now having fun with scrap booking. We played 18 holes and decided that our day was through, sadly enough. Then it was time to head on down the road and do a little camping while enjoying time with the boys. The whole trip was just as fun as we had hoped it to be.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Life Insurance Company
Buy Gold Bars
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
Fall Decor

This past week I started putting out all of my fall decorations. I love fall and the colors that go with it. I also enjoy pumpkins and scarecrows. I've put orange lights on my two trees in our house and they look pretty awesome. There are so many cute things that people can put in their homes and in their yards for fall and I recently ran across a picture of a fall item I think would look great in our yard. It is so cute.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Baptism Invitations
Technology Jobs
Ferrari Parts
Groomsmen Gifts
Video Card
Slide Shows
Furnace Filters
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blackhead Treatment
Colon Cleansers That Work
Friday, September 10, 2010
Accutane Lawsuit
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.
Pizza Ranch
Ticket America
Okay, so I am not a big sports fan but I enjoy a live concert. Seeing a concert in person is the most amazing experience ever so I would definitely consider finding tickets for one of may favorite bands on
Whether it be buying tickets for a game or concerts, this would be a great idea for gift giving or just to do something nice for that special person in your life.
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.

Our sons are leaders in a ghost hunting group called CCPI, Calhoun County Paranormal Investigators. They are planning for a big investigation with their team. It will be in an old theater where others have claimed that have felt and seen things. They have some new equipment that they are going to try out tonight so they are very excited about that. The best part of this is that we get to see them briefly before they go and on their way through as they head home.
Gold Bullion
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.
Our Addition
Almost a year ago we started to add on our addition. It's not a big one but it's perfect for us. It is half entry way and half television room. We absolutely love it and are just about done with the final touches. One of the best parts is that we have attached our house to the garage which is really nice in the winter or if it is raining outside.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Free Link Exchange
There is one site online that I know of that has the free link building tools to create that special website that will really draw attention to the consumer. Not only can this site help you create a great website but they can also help someone who already has a site to improve it and promote it. There are great tools to build links with this free link exchange service that can be very helpful.
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.
Talented Son
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hair Schools in Wichita
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United States Gold Bureau
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Day Off
Buy Gold Bars
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.
Fall Temperatures
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Gold Bar
Swimming Pools
Friday, August 27, 2010
Branson Vacation
Log Furniture
Modern Dining Tables
PO Financing
Cooler Temps
Online Military Degrees
Fun Time
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Forex Training Webinars
Apidexin Reviews
Insinkerator Disposals
Electric Fireplace
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Camera Reviews
Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina
I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.
RIFD Wallet
Outdoor Cushions
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Iphone Warranty
Friday, August 13, 2010
Lee Greenwood
We had the best time at the fair yesterday. Even if it was terribly hot, we managed to find cool places to cool down. We were able to see free concerts like Lee Greenwood and Davy Jones. We also sat in on the 5 o'clock news which is always fun to do. We got home really late and are feeling it today but it was worth it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Get the Best Deals Shopping For School Clothing Online!
Written by my friend Roosevelt Spence
Back in the day, families would wait for the back to school sales and then get up early to go to their local department store to find their clothes and their backpacks and their school supplies. Now that I got huges sattelite internet, all of that changed.
Retailers online begin doing back to school sales almost as soon as school gets out. To find the best deals you need to be on the lookout. I personally use a website called to find out the best deals. Just recently, I was able to obtain a free Jansport backpack from Staples with a mail in rebate. I heard about the deal on Slickdeals and was able to get on it quickly. That is a savings of $60 dollars. You can't find that in a store.
Shopping for school supplies like paper and pencils can be frustrating. Amazon has a new program called Subscribe and Save, which allows you to sign up to receive paper once every interval you set. That could be once a month, once every other month, or every six months. Because you are "subscribing" to the item, they give you a pretty hefty discount. Then when the school year is over, you can just cancel your subscription. I was able to save lot of money and time this way.
The internet has made all of this shopping possible thanks to the great satellite internet prices I got.
Garden Green Beans
Buy Gold Bullion
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Twin Sister
The other night we got together and celebrated my mom's birthday. We all had such a great time and my sister in law started taking pictures. I really enjoyed the pictures she took and it was fun to get one with my twin sister because we don't get to many of those taken together. I will share one with this post.
Monday, August 9, 2010
U Shaped Desks
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Our sons are on there way home to our place tonight. It has been a few weeks since they have been here and I am very excited to have them with us through the weekend. Our youngest son is going to be in a wedding on Saturday and that's what is bringing them home. I don't care what it takes as long as they come home for a few days.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Carinsurancelist blog
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Transunion Settlement
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New Staff
Buy Gold Eagle Coins
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King Of Queens
Friday, July 23, 2010
Buy Gold Bullion
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Buy Gold Bullion
I was paid for this post. I have given my honest opinion and was not swayed in any way.
Enchildas Tonight
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stir Fry
Gold Coins
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Twin Sister
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Clouds after the Storm
Monday, July 12, 2010
Entertainnment with a message for all!
Baby Robins
Friday, July 9, 2010
Jacksonville Cosmetology School
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When I saw this picture of my little nephew, Kaden, I thought how cool it is that so many great products are made for babies these days. He is in a little tent type of thing to protect him from mosquitoes while they spend time outside in the evenings. How clever and great for him that he doesn't get all bitten up.
Family Visit
Friday, July 2, 2010
Joint Supplements
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**